There may be hidden clues "Avengers 4" in this photo of Russo brothers


About the The Avengers franchise, no potential index is too small.

On Wednesday, the Russo Brothers – who are currently working hard on monitoring Avengers: Infinity War – posted a tweet that was clearly designed to send fans in overdrive.

Here it is, in all its cryptic glory:

Ok, so that's a picture of Joe Russo – half of the staging due – on the set of Avengers 4, actively typing on his laptop. But is it all c & # 39;?

The caption suggests no, and some fans have quickly highlighted some potential clues.

There was also a lot of speculation that the photo could allude to the title (still unpublished) of the new movie.

The vast majority of suggestions, however, were much less serious.

In the end, the Russo Brothers could tweet a picture of almost anything, and that would keep us busy for hours.

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