Did an anti-trump boycott help you block this chain of sandwiches?


Taylor Gourmet, a Washington, D.C., sandwich chain closes dozens of locations in two cities – and a meeting with Donald Trump is partly responsible. Washington's. The chain is preparing to prepare for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, just a year after the chain's founder held a controversial meeting with Trump.

Taylor Gourmet, which opened in 2008, has shown signs of problems in recent weeks. In early September, the company announced plans to terminate leases in three geographic areas and focus on small stores. On Friday, Eater Chicago reported the brutal closure of two areas; both were less than a year old. The chain has since confirmed its intention to close another 17 sites at D.C.

Of course, POTUS was not the direct cause of the chain's financial problems, Washington's The meeting of Taylor Gourmet co-founder Casey Patten with Donald Trump in 2017 has hurt the channel's reputation. Patten was seriously dragged on social media for accepting an invitation to an event for small business owners at the White House, where he was photographed shaking Donald Trump's hand. Patten later is described at the Washington Post "Apolitical" and explained that he attended the meeting to discuss immigration and employment issues that may affect Taylor Gourmet staff. Customers have committed to boycott the chain.

The public relations nightmare caused a 40% drop in sales, according to the Washington's. A spokesman confirmed that the controversial meeting "contributed" to an undisclosed drop in sales.

Barack Obama was a regular of Taylor Gourmet during his presidency. He visited the store near the White House several times without incident.

• Hoagie Chain Taylor Gourmet will close all its stores [Washingtonian]• Three Taylor Gourmet sites could close [EDC]• Icon D.C. Taylor Gourmet Shutters Sandwich Both restaurants in Chicago [ECHI]• All Donald Trump blankets [E]• Coverage of all policies [E]

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