O & # 39; Rourke and Cruz fly over protests against anthem, immigration


O 'Rourke began by extolling Cruz's work ethic and the sacrifice of his family. Cruz began with a similar response, pointing out that they both had young children and that they said: "Every day when I leave for the countryside, it is difficult".

Then he associated O & # Rourke with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Socialism.

"Bernie Sanders believes in the cause he fights for – he believes in socialism, now I think what he's fighting for is not working, but I think you're absolutely sincere, like Bernie, that you believe" Cruz said. "And I congratulate you on fighting for what you believe in."

Cruz's backward compliment – and Rourke's abrupt response – was a proper coda to an hour-long debate that highlighted many of the biggest differences of candidates on issues such as representing the national anthem, immigration and firearms.

Cruz and O & Rourke face each other in a surprisingly competitive US Senate race in Texas, a Republican stronghold. Most polls showed O 'Rourke lagging behind, but after swearing all the donations from the political action committee, it turned out to be a fundraiser phenomenon online and on Friday night. , O 'Rourke visited his 254 counties in Texas. If he wins the race, it could help to deliver Senate control to the Democrats.

Friday night's debate at Southern Methodist University was the first of three debates and the CNN forum that both candidates accepted before the mid-term elections in November.

During the debate, O 'Rourke supported the rights of the NFL players who protested during the national anthem, comparing them – as he did weeks ago in what is became a viral video – to the protesters of the civil rights movement.

Cruz replied that he had become a Republican partly because of the support of the Civil Rights Party, while Southern Democrats supported Jim Crow's laws. (He did not mention that President Lyndon B. Johnson – a Texas Democrat – signed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.)

Cruz also stated that, while he was alive, Martin Luther King Jr. would oppose the protests of the national anthem because he respected the American flag. He said the players had to protest so as not to "disrespect the flag".

The two men also clashed over immigration, O 'Rourke claiming that Cruz "promised to expel every Dreamer" and Cruz saying that O "Rourke" is fighting for immigrants illegal "and that" Americans are also dreamers ".

They deferred on gun rights – with O & Rourke arguing for some limits on gun rights and saying that "thoughts and prayers just will not cut it" and Cruz insists on fact that "gun control is not the solution".

Cruz also said the shootings in schools resulted from "God's kidnapping from the public square" and he called for more armed policemen in the schools.

O 'Rourke was pressed during his arrest in 1998 for impaired driving, and he noted that he had not attempted to leave the scene of the accident and called it a "terrible mistake" . He stated that the incident had led him to fight to eliminate the racial bias of the criminal justice system and to help those who had had their time finding a job.

Cruz was asked how he left his first presidential battle of 2016 with President Donald Trump – during which Trump insulted Cruz's wife, Heidi, and accused Cruz's father of being involved in a plot. of assassination against John F. Kennedy. to be political allies now, with Trump planning a trip to Texas.

Cruz said that the 2016 elections were "different from each other and that hard knocks were thrown". But after losing, he said, he decided not to be "selfish, to fend for himself" and instead try to "do something extraordinary" with Trump.

"I have a responsibility, which is to fight for everyone here and for every person in this state," he said.

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