A killer who stabbed the UCLA student 19 times is sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole


A California man was sentenced Friday to life imprisonment, with no possibility of parole, and three years from the day he fatally stabbed a student from UCLA and set his apartment on fire.

Alberto Hinojosa Medina, 25 years old, was convicted last May of the death of Andrea DelVesco, 21, a Texas native, stabbed.

A dozen of the victim's friends read statements to the judge about how the brutal murder – in which DelVesco was stabbed 19 times – affected their lives, the newspaper reported.

Medina, a resident of Fresno, had robbed another apartment before breaking into nearby DelVesco's apartment and killing her. The charge of animal cruelty stemmed from the fire of his dog and his euthanasia.

When sentenced, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mark Windham said Medina was too dangerous to be released, KTLA-TV reported from Los Angeles.

"He brutally murdered a beautiful, innocent person," he said. "He has badly hurt a whole community, he must never be free again."

"He brutally murdered a beautiful and innocent person, he badly wounded a whole community, he must never be free again."

– Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mark Windham

Medina's accomplice, Eric Marquez, also 25 years old and a student at UCLA, was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison for burglary and complicity after the fact.

The case resulted in the firing of two Los Angeles police officers after they learned they had responded to a report that a woman allegedly screamed at the DelVesco apartment complex less than an hour before he does not fly.

They looked around for six minutes and left without knocking on the doors of the apartments.

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