Rihanna named ambassador to her native Barbados


Rihanna has just received a promotion.

After seven years as cultural ambassador for her native Barbados, the 30-year-old pop star has been named "ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary" for the country, according to a press release from the country's government information service.

"Rihanna has a deep love for this country and this is reflected in her philanthropy, particularly in the areas of health and education. She also shows her patriotism in the way she gives back to this country and continues to cherish the island as her homeland, "said Premier Mia Amor Mottley in the statement.

"She has also demonstrated, beyond her success as a pop icon, a keen sense of creativity and insight into business. It is therefore appropriate that we engage ourselves and give it the means to play a more definitive role in the transformation of Barbados. "

Having already helped promote tourism in Barbados since 2008, Rihanna will now promote the country's education and investment efforts as part of her new responsibilities.

In that statement, Rihanna reportedly stated that she "could not be more proud" of having had the opportunity to help shape the future of her country of origin.

"I could not be more proud to accept such a prestigious title in my country," she said. "Every Barbadian will have to play his part in this current effort and I am ready and happy to take responsibility. I look forward to working with Premier Mottley and his team to reinvent Barbados. "

The news comes a little over a week after the singer's last Diamond Ball raised $ 6 million for her charity, the Clara Lionel Foundation.

This story was published in the New York Post.

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