The trump administrator offers a rule to block visas, green cards for those likely to use certain public benefits


Immigrants may also be denied a change in legal status once in the United States if they receive or could use public benefits such as social housing and vouchers in the future. equivalent to a certain monetary threshold.

The rule is a broad expansion of existing interpretations of what is considered a "public office", or a person dependent on or likely to become dependent on the government. The concept of "public office" has a long history in immigration law, noted the DHS, although the proposal would be much broader.

If the rule survives much-awaited legal changes, it could mark a dramatic change that would make it possible to reject many more immigrants from the United States or force them to forego the benefits to which they or their relatives would otherwise be entitled.

"Under a long-standing federal law, those seeking to immigrate to the United States must show that they can provide for their financial needs," said Homeland Security Department, Kirstjen Nielsen.

"This proposed settlement will implement a law passed by Congress to promote immigrant self-sufficiency and protect limited resources by ensuring that they are not likely to become a burden on US taxpayers." "said Nielsen.

Immigration activists have claimed the rule would hurt the country in the long run.

"The announcement made today by the Trump administration is a stolen administrative step aimed at significantly reducing legal immigration that, if implemented, will harm the overall picture. of the country, "said Todd Schulte, president of "This policy will cost the United States in the long run by limiting the contributions of working immigrants who could become legal residents, and no one is better because of that." The proposed changes would create a subjective test and a bureaucratic process. This is another sneaky attempt to force cuts to legal immigration, which ultimately harms our communities and our country. "

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Center for Immigration Law, issued a statement Saturday criticizing the news following reports on the proposed rule.

"The way you contribute to your community – not what you are or the content of your portfolio – should be what matters most." This proposed rule does the opposite and makes it clear that the Trump administration continues alone. the richest can afford to build a future in this country, "said Hincapié.

Melissa Boteach of the Center for American Progress also criticized the proposal, saying to CNN: "It is an attack on working families and says you will have to realize the American dream somewhere before you even come here."

The rule has been in development for months and was strongly encouraged by White House advisor and immigration advocate Stephen Miller, sources told CNN. The proposal has been reviewed by the White House since March. Concerns about potential lawsuits have delayed the final rule and the project has undergone many revisions, sources told CNN.

Once the rule is officially published in the Federal Register, it will launch a public comment period for Americans and interest groups to submit comments. The DHS law will have to consider these comments before finalizing the regulation. Defense groups are also supposed to try to challenge the rule in court.

CNN & # 39; s Geneva Sands contributed to this report.

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