Hillary Clinton would now beat Donald Trump by landslide, poll suggests


An investigation shows that if the 2016 presidential election was held today, Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote. The American barometer was produced by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company.

Based on the responses, the poll found that 36% of voters would vote again for Trump while 44% would vote for Clinton.

4% said they would vote for libertarian Gary Johnson and 2% said they would vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party. Other options allowed respondents to choose not to vote in this hypothetical situation, to refuse to vote, or to choose someone else.

997855580-594x594 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses the audience at the annual convention of the American Federation of Teachers on Friday, July 13, 2018 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Jeff Swensen / Getty Images

When these options were removed and people were asked to choose between Trump or Clinton, the number of people who would vote for Trump rose to 40%, while Clinton topped it with 50%. The survey was conducted online between 14 and 15 September among 1,000 registered voters. Results were weighted by age, sex, region, race and ethnicity, income, and education. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

In the 2016 elections, Clinton won the popular vote with 48.2%. Trump still managed to win the electoral college and win the presidency.

"In 2016, I think that a group of Americans said to themselves," Let's blow things up and see what happens, "said John Podesta, Clinton campaign leader at Hill.TV. "They wish they could return to the strong and stable leadership that Hillary has always provided."

"I think the [44] About a percent, they supported Hillary Clinton, which is not enough to get you re-elected, "Democratic pollster Molly Murphy told Hill.TV. "I think they are people who have loved Hillary Clinton who still loves her, and who would still vote for her," she continued.

Another survey conducted by Hill.TV showed that 46% of people approved Trump while his disapproval rate was over 54%.

In a poll conducted by the Republican National Committee in September, 45% of respondents said they would vote for a Republican candidate who would support President Trump, while 50% of respondents said they would choose a Democratic candidate.

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