Alabama County Confirms More Cases of West Nile Virus


MOBILE, Ala (Associated Press) – The county of Alabam Mobile has confirmed its 12th case of West Nile virus. The county health department announced the increase on Friday.

The first case was reported in August, Dr. Bernard H Eichold II, mobile county health officer, urged residents to "not let down the guard" and assuming that there are mosquitoes in all the region.

The Department of Health says that mosquito activity peaks at dusk and dawn. Officials said the best ways to prevent the bites are to wear long pants and shirts, to use an insect repellent and to avoid stagnant water.

Humans carrying the virus or other mosquito-borne diseases often have symptoms of high fever, severe headache, nausea, stiff neck, muscle confusion, paralysis, disorientation, and convulsions.

In rare cases, the virus can cause coma or death.

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