As Coca-Cola considers cannabis drinks, hopes for CBD remain higher than science


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For Coca-Cola, the largest soft drink company in the world, considering developing a cannabis infused beverage shows how exciting it is for the potential health benefits of cannabidiol or CBD.

However, all the buzz surrounding the CBD, a compound derived from marijuana that does not end up in the user, is not yet supported by research.

On Monday, a report by BNN Bloomberg, a Canadian press service, claimed that Coke and Aurora Cannabis, a Canadian cannabis producer, were in "serious talks" to develop such beverages, a move attributed to unidentified sources.

Image: Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil
A sample of water soluble cannabidiol full spectrum oil is deposited in a laboratory in Switzerland. Stefan Wermuth / Bloomberg via Getty Images file

Coca-Cola called the report "speculative" and said in a statement that it "was closely monitoring the growth of non-psychoactive CBD" as an ingredient in wellness drinks.

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