Father Paul Kalchik removed from the Catholic Church after burning the rainbow flag


Cardinal Cupich said the Kalchik kidnapping was not directly related to the destruction of the flag, but rather to something he had been contemplating for a few weeks.

On September 14, Reverend Paul Kalchik, of the Catholic Avondale Resurrection Church, in the northern part of Chicago, burned a rainbow flag that had been hanging in the church for several years. On Saturday, Cardinal Blasé Cupich announced that Kalchik had been kidnapped at the head of the church. Cupich issued a letter explaining the move.

"For the last few weeks, I have been more and more concerned about a number of problems at the Resurrection parish. It has become clear to me that p. Kalchik must be absent from the parish to receive pastoral support so that his needs can be assessed. "

the Chicago Tribune Anne Maselli, a spokeswoman for the archdiocese, said the two events were not "directly related" but rather that it was a decision taken by Cupich for some time. Bishop James Kaczorowski, pastor of the parish of Queen of Angels, becomes administrator of the church.

Cardinal Cupich said in his letter that this decision was a decision he had taken very seriously and had not taken lightly. He expressed his concern for Br. The well-being of Kalchik and the inhabitants of the parish of Resurrection. Kalchik Saturday was not made. The callers received a message that their answering machine was full.

Paul Kalchik claims to have been sexually assaulted by a priest while attending the seminary. NBC News Kalchik announced in the church bulletin earlier this month that the announcement of a rainbow banner fire had lasted several years. It would take place on September 29 in front of the church. A footnote to the ad said: "The homosexual scandal of the American Church is a sequel to the history of Sodom and Gomorrah."

When the announcement of the announcement was made to the Archdiocese of Chicago, they told Kalchik to cancel the event and announced that it would not take place. The church of the resurrection, however, ignored the order and moved the fire to the back of the church. Kalchik later explained that he understood that the archdiocese did not want the event to take place in front of the church, so the congregation had moved it behind the church. church and had it less exposed, in the so-called hopes of reducing anger. of the LGBT community.

Kalchik says NBC News"It's our right to destroy it and we did it privately because the archdiocese was breathing on our backs." , Referring to the flag that shows an intertwined cross and rainbow. He further explained that the use of the image of the cross, apart from a "reminder of the passion and death of our Lord, is what we consider sacrilege".

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