Death of the second resident of Bergen County with West Nile Virus


Another resident of West Nile Virus Bergen County has died this month, becoming the second deadly case of the state this year, the New Jersey Department of Health said Monday.

The resident, described only as an elderly woman in a press release, follows the death of a 62-year-old man from Bergen County earlier this month. A spokeswoman for the department said that she could not tell if the woman had died specifically of the virus, but confirmed that she had it when she died.

In the last five years, nine people infected with the virus have died, including three in 2015, and the authorities said 2018 was one of the worst, with 31 human cases reported throughout the country. the state this year.

"The number of cases of West Nile virus infection is the highest since 2012, and the season is not over yet," said New Jersey Health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal. "This summer's hot and humid climate has resulted in an increase in mosquito populations and associated viruses."

New Jersey people get West Nile virus

In 2017, eight human cases were reported in West Nile and two people died, one in Mercer County and the other in Middlesex County.

The health department said it was working with Bergen County officials to "minimize" the impact of the virus on the county.

"Bergen County officials have been proactive in spraying areas most at risk for mosquitoes to protect the public," Elnahal said in the statement. "We are also working with local health departments across the state, who monitor cases and initiate appropriate responses."

According to the department's latest report, there have been six cases of West Nile in Bergen County – the highest of all counties in the state.

Elnahal said that the number of mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile virus is the highest ever reported, especially in the northwestern and central parts of the country where the number is generally lower. There was also an increase in the number of sick or dead birds of the virus.

The virus is spread by the bite of a mosquito infected with West Nile virus and can not be transmitted from one person to the other.

According to the health department, most infected people do not get sick or develop symptoms, but about 20% of those infected will develop West Nile fever.

"West Nile virus most often causes mild symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches or rash in healthy people, but can cause serious illness in the elderly

DEP officials said the hot and humid weather this summer had increased the mosquito population and businesses and residents could help control it by removing stagnant water from their properties.

"Residents must protect themselves by using an insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and avoiding going out at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are the most active," Elnahal added.

Chris Sheldon can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @chrisrsheldon Find on Facebook.

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