Now millennia ruin divorce too


After spoiling everything from home ownership to the mayonnaise industry, Generation Y is spoiling another big American industry: divorce.

Damned children

New data from the University of Maryland show that the divorce rate has dropped by 18% between 2008 and 2016, with Generation X and Generation Y progressing more slowly in marriage, according to Bloomberg.

Studies show that baby boomers divorce at a much higher rate than previous generations. From 1990 to 2015, the divorce rate tripled for people over 65, according to the National Center for Research on the Family and Marriage of Bowling Green.

Younger married couples, however, remain united, although many younger couples choose to live and raise their children together, but renounce marriage.

According to a report published by IBISWorld, the US marriages sector recorded a turnover of $ 72 billion in 2016. And although no one has accurate figures on the amount of divorces, it is estimated that it's billions.

Those millennia that divorced? They do it for strange reasons. The video game Fortnite has been increasingly blamed for couples calling for resignation. And a study in Sweden shows that a woman's job success might be related to the divorce rate in that country.

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