Bill Cosby was denied bail after being sentenced to ten years in prison for assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. Constand kissed supporters while she was leaving the court.

the A man formerly known as the American dad has been found to be a "sexually violent predator" and has to serve a prison sentence.

Bill Cosby was convicted in April of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. On Tuesday, a county judge in Montgomery, Pennsylvania, sentenced the disgraced actor to three to ten years in prison.

A few months after Cosby's guilty verdict, accusers, celebrities and members of the media reacted to his conviction.

"I'm grateful to Andrea for standing," said Kathrine McKee, who sued Cosby for defamation, on CNN. "I have suffered for over 40 years, he is three to ten years old, he shows no remorse, he is not at all sorry, I am glad he was sentenced. I am grateful that the judge has given him this I say a prayer for us all the women who have been affected by the hands of Bill Cosby. "

After the conviction, lawyer Lisa Bloom shared the statement that her client, Janice Dickinson, was ready to read in court this week.

"The heartbreaking memory of rape continues to this day," says Dickinson's release. "At one point, I moved to Milan, Italy, to escape (but) the rape is etched in my soul.I will never be the same again."

Janice Baker-Kinney, who testified against Cosby at her trial and was represented by attorney Gloria Allred, also shared her statement after the announcement of the sentence.

"Your Honor, I have completely trusted this once beloved man and he took advantage of this confidence to satisfy his evil fantasies.I have kept the humiliation of my experience for more than thirty years and until now, I still have a hard time forgiving myself knowing that I'm NOT to blame, "says the release." For two long years, my marriage was extremely trying, getting closer to the divorce because I was trying to accept the fact that I was actually a victim of rape. "

Lise-Lotte Lublin, who also testified during the trial, said after the conviction: "I am free from Bill Cosby. I passed and I forgive him. … There will be times when I will feel pain and sorrow, but he will never control my life.

Sunni Welles, another woman who claims to have been attacked by Cosby, told her, "At your death … God forgive you, because, I will never and never will."

All the accusers of Cosby: The 60 women who made allegations on file

"It's a very important day, day of judgment has arrived," Allred told CNN. "We are so proud of what the security forces did to make sure we got a fair result."

Amber Tamblyn had a less effusive take. "Bill Cosby was sentenced to 3-10 years for sexually abusing and sexually abusing many women over the course of many years, and his survivors were sentenced to a life of memories and brutal trauma for daring to exist." guess, "she tweeted.

Many mentioned Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh and the #MeToo movement.

"Today, an AP court ruled that #BillCosby was a violent (predatory) sexual predator." For decades, the accusers have been disappointed and decried by LIARS. 60 accusers for justice, tweeted Debra Messing, adding hashtags #IBelieveDrFord and #IBelieveDeborahRamirez.

TV channel Keith Boykin tweeted: "Bill Cosby sentenced to 3-10 years for sexual assault that occurred years ago, but Brett Kavanaugh can still go to the Supreme Court without even investigating FBI allegations of Sexual assault against him. "

Activist Amy Siskind also referred to Kavanaugh. "Who said that the Universe does not have a sense of humor: in the middle of Kavanaugh's defense by Trump and GOP, several decades ago, Bill Cosby is sentenced to 3 to 10 years in prison for something which happened several decades ago. "

SiriusXM Programming Director Zerlina Maxwell wrote, "Only 3% of rapists go to jail, so it's a RARE MOM!"

"Look at how many years, how many women, how many stories, how much evidence it took to finally get a conviction for a powerful celebrity of the #Metoo era," tweeted. writer Wahajat Ali.

"The women who shared their stories in Cosby's trial and sentencing showed admirable courage and strength. We are grateful to the court for understanding the seriousness of Cosby's crime and sentencing him to prison. Let's hope the legacy of this case is that victims feel empowered to come forward, knowing that it can really make a difference by bringing perpetrators to justice, "said Jodi Omear, RAINN's vice president of communications.

Meanwhile, the Cosby star on the Walk of Fame will remain.

"The stars only commemorate the professional achievements of the recipient.It is unfortunate that the personal lives of the inductees do not live up to the standards and expectations of the public, however, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce does not meet the standards and expectations of the public; do not take away the stars of the Walk of Fame ". from Hollywood Walk of Fame to Associated Press.

More: Bill Cosby sentenced to three to ten years of imprisonment in the state, placed immediately in custody

Related: Bill Cosby joins twenty or so stars who have gone to jail under various charges

More: What does Bill Cosby's "sexually violent predator" status mean to him?

Contributor: Patrick Ryan, USA TODAY & # 39; HUI

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