WWE Raw Results: Winners, Notes, Reactions and Highlights from September 24 | Bleacher's report


Credit: WWE.com

After three hours of speculation, Raw GM Baron Corbin revealed that his teammates were Akam and Rezar, known collectively as the unstoppable AOP. Before the colossal showdown, Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre made their presence felt at the top of the ramp.

As the action collapsed before the last commercial break of the night, the heels began to get involved, opening the shield to a discrete attack by Corbin and AOP.

Huge villains dominated the action during the break, working on Reigns before the Rollins label appeared in favor of the babyfaces.

He does not have it.

Rezar and Akam took turns working on the intercontinental champion as "Dean's" vocals filled the arena, anticipating the hot tag at The Lunatic Fringe one night when his allegiance to The Shield had been tested. Corbin worked on the architect, arrogantly standing above him and taking advantage of the public's jeers.

At the edge of the ring, Reigns was found at the end of a beating at the hands of AOP, victim of the last chapter. With the overall champion on the ground, Rollins caught up with Corbin with a desperation close to the fall, but he immediately fell to the Deep Six for a score of two.

Rollins created the separation, removing Rezar with scissors and delivering a superkick to Akam. He finally made the tag to Ambrose, who exploded in the match and took the fight to Corbin.

Ambrose countered Deep Six with a cradle for two. From there, he sent Corbin outside and delivered a baseball slide that hit them all in the railing.

The Lunatic Fringe climbed the ropes but was poked by Akam. Ambrose escaped End of Days, climbed to the top and delivered the dive elbow, but AOP broke a pin.

Reigns delivered the Superman punch, Rollins the Stomp and Ambrose took advantage of The Architect's two suicidal dives to deliver Dirty Deeds.

With Ambrose charging to the outside, Reigns signed on and scored the spear victory.


The shield defeated AOP and Corbin




It is an action-packed main event that was built on Ambrose's dedication, which allowed him to shine and present a finish that perpetuates the mystery surrounding his intentions. After watching Reigns steal glory in the form of the fallen's victory, he was forced to monitor the situation and swear allegiance to Ziggler, McIntyre and Strowman or his Shield comrades.

He has hit his fists with his long-time comrades, but the potential for betrayal remains.

AOP was protected enough here, with a strong appearance while the duo had Reigns while not eating the pine.

The question is whether Corbin's loss to Reigns will mean the end of his time as Raw's general manager, especially after Stephanie McMahon did not seem so enthusiastic about her work so far. .

A match that left a trace of the unknown to close the series, rather than giving fans the same predictable nonsense they were used to, was a welcome addition.

However, it was not enough to save an often boring and unapologetic show, two words that were not usually associated with the star show during its 25-year existence.

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