This ubiquitous kid's "distracted buddy" of the year? Yes, it's sexist, says the group of Swedish announcements


Unless you have spent the past year or are trapped under a rock without any signal, you must familiarize yourself with the same "distracted boyfriend".

If it is to make a political statement …

Or comment on the state of the media …

Or, just, you know, pets …

… the "principle of the year 2017" has been shared relentlessly.

But according to the Swedish advertising mediator, Reklamombudsmannen, the famous photo of the Barcelona photographer Antonio Guillem should perhaps be withdrawn, at least as regards its use in a corporate advertisement.

The group reported that the recruitment announcements posted on Facebook by the ISP Bahnhof, which qualified the boyfriend "You", the girlfriend "Your current workplace" and the second woman "Bahnhof", were discriminatory by sex .

"He portrays women as interchangeable objects and only their appearance is interesting," the mediator wrote. "It also shows that the sex roles of men and women are stereotyped and give the impression that men can change partners as they change jobs."

Bahnhof, in a statement, said his intention was to "show that Bahnhof is an attractive employer and that those with a slightly less good employer might be interested in us". knows how the same is used and interpreted. If we were to be punished for something, it's to use a tired old meme.

As regards sanctions, the Swedish advertising sector self-regulates, which the mediator can criticize, but it does not have the power to impose sanctions.

And what does the internet have to say about it?

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