Most federal contracts for the recovery of Puerto Rico go to US and non-local companies.


Companies in the United States have benefited from billions of dollars in vital federal recovery funds paid in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, even as federal laws require local companies to award contracts to companies after a disaster scenario, reveals a new report.

"Ninety per cent of federal contracts are awarded to companies headquartered outside of Puerto Rico," said Deepak Lamba-Nieves, research director at the Center for a New Economy (CNE), a non-partisan think tank. "Although there are federal provisions that encourage local recruitment, especially after disasters, these provisions have not been fully met."

Experts from the Center for a New Economy (CNE) on Wednesday released a new report showing that of the more than $ 5 billion that Puerto Rico received between September 20, 2017 and August 22, 2018, nearly $ 500 million spent in Puerto Rico-based companies, while more than $ 4 billion has been allocated to companies based in the United States or other foreign companies.

Of the 45 federal agencies that signed recovery contracts in the aftermath of the hurricane, 24 have not awarded any contracts to Puerto Rico-based companies, said Raúl Santiago-Bartolomei, research associate at the CNE.

The Stafford Act, which is considered to be the centerpiece of federal disaster policy, states that "local businesses" should give preference, as far as possible and possible, to emergency contracts in the event of a disaster. or serious emergency.

The researchers also examined how the provision was implemented in New Orleans (Louisiana) after Hurricane Katrina and compared it to Puerto Rico. The data collected by CNE show that a similar pattern has occurred. Most federal collections funds were used to award reconstruction contracts to foreign companies.

The underlying idea is that a federal disaster response and recovery plan should help revive a depressed economy by injecting millions of public funds into the local economy, promote local investment and encourage growth. in the devastated territory.

"Everyone is talking about all the federal funds that Puerto Rico is about to receive and many view them as the salvation of the Puerto Rican economy, but if these funds do not have a real local impact, then Class, president and founder of CNE.

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