The last: Japan and the United States will hold bilateral trade negotiations


UNITED NATIONS – Latest news on the presence of President Donald Trump at the United States General Assembly (local time):

3:40 p.m.

Japan confirms in a joint statement with the United States that it will open negotiations on a bilateral trade agreement.

The US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, calls the measure "a very important step" in the development of relations between the United States and Japan.

The statement was released Wednesday by the White House after talks in New York between President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the US General Assembly.

He says the negotiations will begin after the completion of the necessary internal procedures in each country.

Lighthizer told the press that he would discuss with Congress Thursday the search for the trade promotion authority for the president to negotiate the deal.

Japan is part of a multinational transpacific trade pact that Trump pulled out of last year. He was previously reluctant to negotiate a bilateral trade agreement with the United States.


2:55 p.m.

At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis believes that current tensions with China will be overcome as both countries value the relationship.

He said he did not know what to do about China's rejection of a US Navy port visit to Hong Kong. China has also canceled plans for its navy chief to meet his US counterpart at the Pentagon this week. Mattis said that this and other problems with China are being solved.

Mattis told reporters that he did not think that the current tensions are causing a fundamental change in the relationship.

His comments come after President Donald Trump accused the Chinese of "trying to interfere" in the November elections. China has denied this.


2:20 p.m.

President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have agreed to open trade negotiations between their countries.

Trump asserts that Japan has not been willing to engage in such negotiations in the past, but now that Japan wishes, such an agreement "will be something very exciting".

Trump commented during his meeting with Abe on the sidelines of the annual session of the US General Assembly in New York.

The president also congratulated Abe on his "eloquent electoral victory". Abe was re-elected last week as leader of his ruling Liberal Democratic Party, paving the way for another three years as Japan's leader.

Trump and Abe met privately Sunday night at Trump Tower after the arrival of the president in New York.

A spokesman for the Japanese Foreign Ministry declined to comment.


2:15 p.m.

The Trump government said China is stepping up its secret and open activities to stifle freedom of expression, punish those who support the president's tough trade stance against China and ingest it into the American political system.

A senior administration official told reporters on Wednesday after President Donald Trump said there was "a lot of evidence" that China is ingesting it in the mid-term US elections. .

The official, who informed the press on condition of anonymity, said Vice President Mike Pence is expected to deliver a speech on the subject next week in Washington.

The official said China is hurting farmers and workers in the states and districts that voted for Trump. China stifles freedom of speech on American campuses and punishes or rewards companies, think tanks, film studios and political candidates for criticizing or supporting Chinese politics.

-Deb Riechmann



President Donald Trump claims that there is "a lot of evidence" that China is trying to ingest mid-term elections in the United States because it does not like trade policies US aimed at Beijing.

Trump made this claim on Wednesday in the United States, but offered no details.

In response, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that his country does not intervene and interfere in the internal affairs of a country. He said China refused to accept "any unjustified accusation".

Later, in response to a question from a reporter, Trump said there was "a lot of evidence" of China's attempts to intervene.

Still, Trump did not elaborate.

Computer experts say they have seen no evidence of Chinese interference, and intelligence officials have so far not shared any evidence of Chinese interference in this year's elections.



The Chinese Foreign Minister said that his country is not interfering in the internal affairs of another nation. His comments came at a meeting of the United States Security Council after President Donald Trump accused the Chinese of "trying to interfere" in the November elections in the United States.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi also said he refused to accept "unjustified accusations" against China.

In chairing his first meeting of the Security Council, Trump told world leaders that "unfortunately" his government had found that China was trying to interfere. Trump says it's because he's the first president to ever challenge China in trade.

Wang stared at the stone face as Trump made his statement.

China's long-standing policy is non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations – and it is quick to quote this policy when another nation criticizes it for issues ranging from politics to human rights.



President Donald Trump follows a detailed scenario by convening his first meeting of the UN Security Council.

The famous leader of the freewheel refers to the notes that guide him in the parliamentary proceedings of the organization, including the leaders to recognize and when to use the hammer offered to the chairman of the board. The United States holds the presidency of Wednesday's session.

Wearing a headset, Trump alternates listening to simultaneous translation while other leaders and ministers have spoken and scanned the room or his prepared notes.

Bolivian leader Evo Morales has launched a harsh criticism of US policy towards Iran, as well as Trump's immigration policies that have resulted in the separation of migrant children from their parents. Trump sat facing the stone during the remarks, looking straight ahead. He thanked Morales for his remarks, before recognizing the next leader



President Donald Trump said China was interfering with the November elections in the United States.

It offers little detail, but at a meeting of the US Security Council: "Unfortunately, we found that China was trying to interfere in the upcoming elections of 2018".

US intelligence officials have already said that other countries may choose to try to copy Russia's intervention book on the 2016 US presidential elections. But Trump's comments on Wednesday seem to confirm that China is now actively intervening. .

Trump says Beijing does not want him or the Republicans "win because I'm the first president to challenge China over trade."



For the first time, President Donald Trump calls for a meeting of the US Security Council for a meeting on the fight against nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

Trump, seated at the center of a bow-shaped table, immediately uttered harsh words against Iran, saying that a government with Iranian antecedents "should never be allowed to obtain" a nuclear weapon.

At the same time, he thanked Iran, Russia and Syria for slowing down their attack on the Idlib province in Syria. Last week, Russia and Turkey reached an agreement to avoid an offensive against Idlib, the last big rebel stronghold in Syria.

He also said that China was ingesting mid-term elections in the United States, but did not provide any details on the request, except to say that Beijing was opposed to its trade policy.



President Donald Trump endorses a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He said that while he is with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "100%," Israel will have to do something good for the other party.

At a meeting with Netanyahu on the sidelines of the US General Assembly on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said that "the agreements must be good for both parties", but that he thinks that Palestinians "really want to do something".

Last week, eight European Union countries urged Israel to reconsider the planned demolition of a Palestinian community in the West Bank and said they would not give up a negotiated two-state solution with Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. a new Palestinian state.


9:30 am

President Donald Trump says that all American options are on the table to help end the political, economic and humanitarian chaos in Venezuela – even the "strongest".

As he arrived on Wednesday for a third day at the United Nations, reporters questioned Trump as to whether the United States would intervene in the South American country. Venezuela's inflation and homicide rates are among the highest in the world and more than 2 million people have fled violence and conflict in recent years.

The Trump administration on Tuesday imposed financial sanctions on four members of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's inner circle, including his wife and the country's vice president, over allegations of corruption.

At the question of whether he would meet Maduro, Mr. Trump said he would meet anybody if it could help alleviate the suffering of Venezuela, which he called " shame".



More and more meetings with world leaders are planned for President Donald Trump at the United Nations.

His schedule includes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and, later in the day, the leaders of Japan and Britain. Trump is also expected to chair a US Security Council briefing on counter-proliferation.

Trump's address to the General Assembly Tuesday criticized what he called "the ideology of globalism" while praising the achievements of his own government. Personal congratulations attracted attention and even made fun of laughter.

Since taking office, Trump has pulled the United States out of the Paris climate deal, promoted protectionist tariffs and questioned the value of NATO.

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