Watch a new trailer of "Creed 2": Your Wednesday Pop Culture Trick


Welcome to your new daily distribution of film, television and music news you should know, hosted by The New York Times and on the Web.

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• "Credo 2Will go out on November 21, and a new trailer for a dark chapter of the boxing movie franchise – literally dark, Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone seem to spend a lot of time in poorly lit rooms take Ivan's son. Draco, Victor.

Will Smith has adopted social media, and it is rare that the war zone is online. For his 50th birthday on Tuesday, he jumped from a helicopter over the Grand Canyon, so vlogged about it.

• Luke Skywalker's "Last Jedi" beard, Gimli's "Lord of the Rings" beard Mark Hamill beard in season 2 of the show "Knightfall" history. (The series deals with Templars in the 13th century.)

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