Donald Trump's press conference was a complete disaster


Trump proposed various messages that did not clarify things. Last week, Trump dismissed Christine Blasey Ford's allegations of an attempted rape by Kavanaugh in 1982, claiming that "if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges were reportedly filed immediately with local police authorities. his loving parents. Early on Wednesday, he repeated that, asking why Ford had not shown up earlier. But a few minutes later, he said he would not have been surprised if a woman was reluctant to file a police report at the time.

"It's a very difficult situation for a woman, no question," he said. "Frankly, if they'd reported it, that would have been pretty amazing, right? … I'm not saying they have to report it.

Trump has traveled over an hour. He declined to say he would send Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein or ask for his resignation and suggested postponing a meeting scheduled for Thursday. He refused to give a direct answer to the question whether members of his administration might have considered eliminating him by using the 25th amendment, but he denounced his criticism.

"In one case, they say," He is fascist, he takes control of the government, he is the most powerful president of all time. It's a horrible human being. He wants to take over the entire government and he will do it. We can not stop it, "Trump said. "It did not work. The next week, he said, "Uh, he's incompetent."

Meanwhile, Trump criticized the Federal Reserve for raising interest rates, attacking the Obama-Iran nuclear deal, and saying that if Hillary Clinton won the elections, there would have been a war. with North Korea. He took several questions from Kurdish journalists, although he did not make concrete commitments on US relations with the Kurds.

The event appeared to be a return to the presidential campaign, when Trump gave frequent press conferences. At the same time, Trump was by turns combative and naughty, joking with reporters. (Trump also said he thought all mainstream media would approve him for re-election, maybe it was a joke, but he was not smiling.) But Trump is the president now, and what seemed weird stakes are higher and the answers are somehow even stranger.

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David A. Graham is a staff writer for L & # 39; Atlantic, where he covers American politics and world news.
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