College of Louisiana struck down for its "rude" and "inappropriate" week-of-mind themes


An anxious father in Louisiana's father talks about "inappropriate" week themes at his daughter's college in hopes of publicizing style guidelines for young students.

At the end of last week, MJ Mouton shared an image of "Dress Day Guidelines" for a week-long festivities in the college of his 12-year-old daughter in the city of Iowa. Children were encouraged to wear traffic-inspired colors to indicate their relationship status, as well as the day of the gender war between boys and girls, which encouraged children to wear pink or blue.


"Monday, it's … Wear red if you're caught. Wear green if you are single. Wear yellow if it's complicated, "wrote Mouton on Twitter, in an article that has since been loved more than 147,000 times, shared 19,000 times and garnered more than 4,000 comments. "She is in Middle School. Totally inappropriate. Welcome to Louisiana.

Twitter users have since described the guidelines as "coarse" and "out of touch" for young children.

She then told Yahoo Lifestyle and confirmed on Twitter that the "Stoplight Day" theme came from Iowa's nearby high school, where students "do it to find who's available for the return home." the school kids.

"Children should be children. Of course, some college students will have friends, girlfriends and boyfriends, but I do not think we need school to play the role of matchmaker for a 10 to 14 year old, "he said. KPLC.

Another parent of a child from a high school in Iowa also agreed that the theme of "Fire Day" was tasteless for young children.

"Since I have a child in high school, I mean, he has a girlfriend, so for me it suited me. But thinking about college, for me, it's a bit young, and they really do not know anything about relationships and things, "Doneka Dugas told KPLC on the controversial topic.

Twitter users were largely horrified by the themes of "Stoplight Day" and "Gender War", and quickly expressed their disapproval.

"I would ask my child to wear a stop sign. To shout loudly, it's crazy, "said one commentator.

"Also unacceptable to split #gender for pink / blue day. There are tons of fun ideas for students without #sexualizing students or alienating #LGBTQ students, "another accepted.

"It's bad in many ways … aside from the bad messages, the colors of the traffic lights will make the kids alone feel more lonely and open others to humiliation. And & # 39; gender wars & # 39; ??? Wtf ??! "Said one.


Sheep has received the following message:

"Our intentions were not to cause undue stress to students or their families. Unfortunately, we only heard about it so late in the week that we could not change our days, "reads an image of the alleged letter received by Mouton, then shared on Twitter. "I can assure you that we have projects in preparation for next year to prevent these circumstances from happening again."

Because of this, Moulton said that he was happy to have spoken.

"If nobody said anything, they would let it last for years and years," he told Yahoo.

Janine Puhak is editor-in-chief for Fox News Lifestyle. Follow her on Twitter at @ JaninePuhak

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