Ted Cruz, the wife came back to complete their "outstanding meal" after the protesters leave, according to the chief


Sfr. Ted Cruz and his wife Heidi returned to the restaurant where protesters attacked them earlier this week to complete their "outstanding meal," according to the owner.

Fiola, the restaurant where the protesters clashed with Cruz, R-Texas and his wife while dining on Monday night, said he "welcomes all customers". The owner said Wednesday that the situation was resolved and Cruz and his wife after a few minutes.

[[[[Related: Beto O'Rourke condemns protesters who heckled Ted Cruz, wife of the restaurant]

"According to our policy for events of this nature, the police were called and the client was escorted to privacy," said the chief and owner, Fabio Trabocchi. "When the situation resolved a few minutes later, our guests came back to thank the staff for their support and to end their outstanding meal."

Protesters were protesting Cruz's support for the Supreme Court's application, Brett Kavanaugh. While the protesters shouted "Vote No on Kavanaugh" and "Cancel Kavanaugh for Women's Rights", we could hear Cruz say, "God bless you"

Once Cruz and his wife went out, the protesters were asked to leave by an employee of the restaurant.

Demonstrations and rallies have been held around the country's capital and in other parts of the country, while many women have published allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh denies the allegations and will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday to testify on Christine Blasey Ford's 36-year-old charges.

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