Survivor Premiere: returns with a new theme, a shocking evacuation


Stephen Fishbach was the second on Survivor: Tocantins and a member of the jury on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance. He blogged about Survivor strategy for people since 2009. Follow him on Twitter @stephenfishbach.

"Nothing you experience on a television screen has the same weight as living it in real life." – Mari Takahashi, Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X

Survivor has returned after his hiatus of summer, with a new season and a new theme. David vs Goliath two teams, divided according to a totally incomprehensible heading, face each other in the biggest strategy game in the world. After a stormy battle between the tribes, the maintenance manager, Pat, was removed from the game when he was injured in the back during a boat ride between two challenges.

The first was one of the best Survivor episodes in a moment. Of course, the first episode of each Survivor the season is exciting. One of the biggest parts of the show is its premise – what happens when you smash 20 strangers on a tropical island with nothing but their minds and their clothes, then make them conspire? But some seasons, the first seems too focused on creating a story. We see a handful of strategic conversations that we know will be important later on. We see one or two people looking for idols, either to show their intelligence or their incompetence. Someone will get an unusual personal moment, and the fixture watchers will begin to speculate on the winner.

This time, the first really captured the rhythms of those early days. The first amazing "Omigod on is on Survivor!Moments start, people start grating while they build the shelter, the way a person goes to look for idols, then everyone will do it, and how strategic conversations appear everywhere.The show even took a few moments to wallow in the misery of time, while wet and shivering competitors reconcile with the next month of their lives at the mercy of the elements. "There is no introduction to this," says Elizabeth. Survivor as he is really lived.

David Tribe

David's tribe begins by taking advantage of the shelter construction supplies, after Christian and Lyrsa smoke Alison and John in a challenge that, let's be honest, was a little complicated. Jeff asked the Goliaths to choose the weaker Davids and the strongest Goliaths, then gave the Davids the choice of paths in an obstacle course based on agility and intelligence. A 15-piece tangram is legitimately difficult, regardless of whether the Davids are represented by Christian, who has a doctorate in puzzles.

At the camp, the maintenance manager, Pat, sets out to create an epic shelter. "I'm a blue-collar," he says, confusing his season. Pat works hard, but her style also involves shouting a lot, which alienates people.

Meanwhile, the tribe begins to build its first obligations. Jessica, a teenage girl, makes connections with Bi, Elizabeth and Carl. Davie and Carl have something. Lyrsa and Elizabeth develop a relationship. "She is a cowgirl. I am a lesbian punk rocker. We are so different, but at the same time I think we connect to the same level of loyalty and trust, "says Lyrsa.

My favorite couple is Christian and Gabby. Is Survivor first real nerd alliance? I know everyone these days is calling a nerd because they're wearing glasses and love The iron Throne. But these two are honest nerds. The best part is this technical writer Gabby employment is to interface scientists and genpop. This is a match made in paradise, or any magical place Survivor the competitors come. "The nerds have to watch each other," says Gabby.

The first target of David's tribe is public defender Nick, who takes advantage of the fraudulent job. It is likely that Nick will be the first boot of the tribe after losing the challenge.

Pat Cusack

Pat Cusack

Robert Voets / CBS

But in a terrifying moment, Pat injures his back during the boat ride, and Dr. Joe rushes him into medical care. It is a reminder of the fragility of life in nature and the reality of this show. Pat is fine now, in case you're worried. And Nick has another shot to save himself in the game.

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On the Goliath tribe, the first targets are Mike and Natalie. Mike is caught looking for idols and Natalie's strategy is to stay in the shade and bark orders. This is particularly painful for Natalia, who probably can not support a namesake either. It's the same thing that happens every time there is a doppelnamer. Stephanie Johnson eliminates Stephanie Gonzalez last season; the rivalry between Kelley Wentworth and Kelly Wiglesworth; Boston Rob eliminates Rob Cesternino in All stars. There can only be one.

Meanwhile, Dan the SWAT officer makes the moon eyes in Kara.

"Kara, she's beautiful. The first time I saw her, I was like, wow, he said. Their funny flirts are adorable, although I worry about poor Dan. I'm not sure Kara is the same, like wow.

"Dan is … one of the most beautiful people I've met. He's hilarious, says Kara. "It is clear that he attracted me, which, of course, makes it impossible for me not to be attracted to him."

He is kind and funny and he really likes me? Sorry, man, she's just not for you.

"Does that mean we're going to demonstrate?" Asks Dan.

"Well, you know, we can not put targets behind our backs," Kara answers.

Hunting for the idol

Goliath's camp breaks into an idol. Mike wants an idol instead of an Oscar. Angelina and Alison hope to correct the biased gender dynamics of idol searchers. John wants power. And Dan looks because – well, we know what Dan is looking for.

I loved the little swing where Dan unveils the idol and then we return to the way he discovered it. This is another great example of how Survivor is constantly pushing his story. Viewers are too savvy now. When we start seeing an idol hunting fixture and hearing the music that's swelling, we've already figured out what's going on. So, how can you keep viewers surprised? Change the formula Show the idol first!

The kick, however, was Dan's answer. "I become the person I want to be in my life," he says. "I've found an idol with the most beautiful girls in this game." For Dan, idol is really only the prelude to beautiful girls!

Who vs who?

Of course, one of the great joys of each new season is to make fun of the heavy theme. Since Survivor decided to settle permanently in Fiji, they need to distinguish the new seasons with thematic twists. This put Jeff in the difficult position of putting the needle on what a theme means and why each player belongs to each tribe.

Most themes have a basis in the observable external of a person. I know that blue-collar workers and I have a clear idea of ​​the brain – although each tribe has its scratches. (Alecia was on Brawn?) And when I heard about David versus Goliath, I naturally thought it would be small versus big, fast and smart versus slow and muscular . Just like the Bible story.

But 90 minutes after that first, I'm desperately looking for someone to explain to me what makes a David and what makes a Goliath. This is obviously not a question of size. It's not a question of having to work hard, Jeff said explicitly. Is this something to do with your background? Jeff makes a comparison between Goliath Alison, who is a doctor, and David Pat, who is responsible for maintenance. But next to Pat is Christian, an engineer in robotics.

Things that make a Goliath, according to Jeff: be a cop. ("By definition, do you have to be a Goliath to risk your life like this?") Play rock paper scissors. ("Is this the sign of a Goliath? That everyone is going away, that's me!")

Competitors also seem to be unsure of what this means. Davids worries, says Elizabeth. "Davids does not like things they do not know," says Bi. The Goliath are looking for idols, John says.

Although it's fun to tease, it would be almost impossible to have a really neat and tidy theme. and create balanced tribes. And finally, the most interesting part of the theme is how it affects the competitors themselves. If Elizabeth really believes that Davids is more caring, she to be more attentive? Will the Goliaths play with more bluster because they are up to their namesake? Will Davids use the slingshot?


The Fishy this week goes to Christian, for his total dominance of the first challenge, and because, one way or another, in defiance of his archetype, he avoids becoming an early target. Instead, he works hard around the camp, builds discrete social bonds and gives episodic neurotic confessionals filled with self-discrimination and doubt. I'm very attached to the guy, and since there was not really any strategy in this episode, I feel good giving the Fishy to my favorite favorite.

Survivor broadcast on Wednesdays (8 pm ET) on CBS.

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