Marcia Cross, from Desperate Housewives, talks about cancer survival from the anus


Marcia Cross is proud to call herself a cancer survivor.

Earlier this month, the old Desperate housewives star caught the attention of fans when she published information about her health problems.

"So grateful and happy to be alive but sad that my hair has come off and that it's about 1 inch long now and that it looks cra cra", has she shared on her Instagram. "Has anyone else had #hairloss because of #cancer?" "Talk to me.

Followers and famous fans including Lori Loughlin, Kelly Rutherford and Brenda Strong immediately expressed support for the Hollywood actress.

But that's only later in the month, when Marcia explained to the fans that she had managed anal cancer treatment.

"I'm so sorry that my message is not clear, I'm a POST cancer, everything is fine now, travel difficult, but I'm HEAL, happy and more present and grateful than ever," she wrote on Instagram. . "Thank you from the bottom of my expanding heart for all your love."

In fact, Marcia is grateful to have informed her community of her health problem. Not only did she receive support from friends and long-time strangers. She also feels freer to live her best life in the future.

"After posting a photo of me here and pronouncing the words #cancer and #hairloss, I feel liberated, delirious and completely self-how or why this simple act has given me such a powerful life that I did not question everything that pushed me to go ahead and expose myself, "she wrote." I certainly did not expect to response of love and kindness that follows me. My ability to receive requires massive expansion! I'm in great shape and what interests me after cancer is #AUTHENTICITY, #VULNERABILITY, #TRANSPARENCY and of course # LOVE. "

Marcia continued, "Thanks again for your love and for sharing your personal stories of wrestling with #cancer and #hairloss and getting your place in the world."

Fans will remember Marcia's role as Kamp's Bree Van in the popular ABC series Desperate housewives that worked from 2004 to 2012. It will appear later in Quantico and the TV mini-series Youth & Consequences.

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