The biggest magnet in the world, the DESTROYS Tokyo laboratory in video SHOCK


This is the moment when the world's most powerful magnetic field was destroyed and the laboratory was developed in seconds after its creation.

The shocking images show heavy doors, designed to keep the magnet contained, buckling while the electromagnetic field reached a strength of 1,200 teslas – a magnetic intensity unit – that is 400 times more powerful than an MRI machine.

To break the 1,000 tesla mark, the University of Tokyo team injected 3.2 megajoules of energy into a small electromagnetic coil whose internal wall collapsed on Mach at a speed 15 times greater than that sound.

As it collapsed, the magnetic field in the interior narrowed in a narrower space, until its strength reached its maximum at almost electromagnetic forces. unimaginable.

The spool itself collapsed a mere split second later, destroying itself entirely.

"It is very difficult to make precise measurements in these conditions"

Shojiro Takeyama, University of Tokyo

The Takeyama magnet was built to study the hidden physical properties of electrons that are invisible under normal circumstances.

Project leader Shojiro Takeyama and his team will put different materials in their magnet to study the behavior of their electrons.

Researchers believe that by studying the electrons in the moments preceding the self-destruction of the coil, one will discover their normally invisible scientific properties.

And extremely powerful magnetic fields also have potential applications in fusion engineering, in order to keep the plasmas hot from a fusion reaction and away from their walls.

Tokyo University magnet

University of Tokyo

CARNAGE: Scientists have created a mammoth magnetic field of 1200 tesla
(Pic: University of Tokyo)

And the main author, Takeyama, estimates that his camera can reach 1,800 teslas if 5 mega joules are applied.

"The most similar magnetic field generation is through chemical explosives," he said, referring to experiments in the 1960s that exploded explosives around electromagnets.

"They can not conduct these experiments in indoor laboratories, so they usually drive everything outside, like Siberia in a field or somewhere in a very wide place in Los Alamos, New Caledonia. Mexico".

"And they are trying to do a scientific measurement, but because of these conditions, it's very difficult to make accurate measurements."

Other forms of very powerful magnetic fields require lasers, but Takeyama said laser-generated fields are tiny and of extremely short life, which also makes them problematic for types of lasers. 39, experiences that interest him.

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