Younger voter turnout is up, says Democratic research firm


A NEW WALL STREET JOURNAL / NBC NEWS SPL SHOW An overwhelming majority of voters said corruption and malfeasance in the federal government was a major problem – and of these, more than half want Democrats to control Congress.

The WSJ / NBC poll in September showed that 77% of registered voters surveyed said "Reducing the influence of special interests and corruption in Washington" is the biggest or most important problem facing the country. is confronted. Only the economy got a higher rating. Among registered voters who said that reducing corruption was a big problem, 51 percent want Democrats to control Congress and 42 percent want Republicans to control Congress.

Democrats have added the elimination of corruption to their list of campaign messages after several former Trump advisers and two Republican congressional members have been involved in criminal investigations this summer. In August, federal prosecutors were indicted separately. Representative Duncan Hunter (R., Calif) and Rep. Chris Collins (R., N.Y.); Michael Cohen, a longtime Trump lawyer, pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges; and Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, were convicted on eight counts.

MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI At the end of the month, a statement said the Democrats were going to "clean up corruption". In advertising campaigns, many Democrats have also pledged to reject corporate donations.

Concerns about corruption have also weighed on Democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, who is due to be re-elected in November. A lawsuit on corruption charges against Menendez resulted in a nil trial, even though the Senate Ethics Committee reprimanded him and the scandal dragged on what should have been a relatively safe reelection.

Nine hundred registered voters responded to the poll, conducted between September 16 and September 19. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.27 percentage points.

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