This type of diet can prevent depression, according to a study


According to a new report, there are many ways to treat depression and your diet could be part of it.

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Researchers at University College London recently conducted a study published in Molecular Psychiatry to explore the role of nutrition in depression.

To do this, they reviewed 41 observational trials on the subject, which included data on more than 32,000 adults. Participants followed a traditional Mediterranean diet rich in plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, olive oil and fish.

After analyzing the results, they found that the Mediterranean diet was associated with a risk of depression reduced by 33% compared to a diet different from this one.

"There is irrefutable evidence showing that there is a link between the quality of your diet and your mental health," said lead author Camille Lassale in a statement. "This relationship goes beyond the effect of diet on the size of your body or other aspects of health that can in turn affect your mood."

They also revealed that a pro-inflammatory diet was associated with a higher risk of depression. They defined a pro-inflammatory diet that usually contains large amounts of sugar, processed foods and saturated fats.

"A pro-inflammatory diet can induce systemic inflammation, and this can directly increase the risk of depression," said Lassale. "There is also emerging evidence that the relationship between the gut and the brain plays a key role in mental health and that this axis is modulated by gastrointestinal bacteria, which can be modified by our diet. "

Scientists believe that their results prove that nutritional counseling should be part of doctor visits. They also stated that there was an "urgent need" for more studies on dietary changes and mental health.

They concluded, "By showing that adherence to healthy eating habits is associated with a reduced risk of depressive disorders, we are contributing to the growing body of evidence regarding the importance of our daily diet for our mental and physical health. brain.

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