Ohio St. & Silence & # 39; Tweet draws criticism amidst Meyer's urban scandal | Bleacher's report


FILE - In this archive photo from August 22, 2018, Ohio State football coach, Urban Meyer, makes a statement at a press conference in Columbus, Ohio . Meyer's current suspension and previous paid holidays prevented him from talking about football with his staff and athletes in August, with one exception: a team meeting the day after the announcement of the suspension. Messages from Senior Vice President of Human Resources Meyer and Athletic Director Gene Smith were able to meet the players and coaches last Thursday, August 23, 2018. (AP Photo / Paul Vernon, File)

Paul Vernon / Associated Press

The Ohio State Athletics Department on Wednesday issued a tweet titled "Silence the White Noise", which sparked criticism based on the recent scandal involving head coach Urban Meyer:

The team won the tweet by posting this statement on Thursday:

Meyer was suspended for three games for his mismanagement of domestic violence allegations against former assistant coach Zach Smith.

However, the team left the tweet for more than 24 hours and noted that the statement was referring to Saturday's road match at Penn State.

"This message is the same as the one we used before the 2016 Penn State whitening match," said football spokesman Jerry Emig on Thursday by Dan Murphy of ESPN. "And this message is meant for our team to play really well to silence an incredible crowd of folks at Penn State."

Although the tweet refers to the key game between two of the top 10 teams, he was still perceived as deaf considering the recent problems of the program.

"It's promotional art for a great game" Jason Kirk from SB Nation wrote. "But it was not a wise choice for Ohio State's situation as a program."

Meyer left the suspension last week against Tulane and will again be the head coach of the game against Nittany's Lions.

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