Ariana Grande reflects on the "difficult month" in emotional Twitter advocacy


Ariana Grande

Dave Hogan / One Love Love

Ariana Grande asks the universe to take a break.

On Thursday, the singer went on Twitter to talk about some of the emotions she feels in the wake of Mac Millerthe death. In tweet she asks, "can I have a good day, just one .pls."

She continued, "I'm so tired pls."

Ariana then retweeted one of her old tweets where she wrote, "everything will be fine" and replied, "j – king k".

In the middle of his cryptic messages, fans flooded his Twitter with messages of support and adoration. This has apparently pushed Great to thank her fans for having loved her so much, even though she says, "I do not deserve it."

A Twitter user is found guilty of perhaps having upset the star, but the 26-year-old player insured his fans have been "angels" in his life. "It was a difficult month, I'm trying to finish my job and get back to normal, it's hard and I'm human and tired," she said. "Sorry, I let you in or I'm worried, I should not have tweeted, I feel better."

She finished her series of tweets by telling her disciples, "ily".

The dark tweets of the pop star come a few days after she has hinted that she would not leave anytime soon. "I'm going to save for a period of time," Great commented on a photo where a fan said that she was saving for the Sweetener tower.

The news followed him and his boyfriend Pete DavidsonThe decision not to attend the Emmy Awards 2018 last week.

In a statement, the Grande team said, "Given the events of the past two years, Ariana will take time to heal and heal. She will stay close to home and use this time to spend time with her. those who work on new music without delay. She thanks her fans for their understanding. "

Ariana Grande, Mac Miller, 2018 Oscars


Not surprisingly, the star went through a difficult period after the death of her long-time boyfriend in August. Although they separated in May, her loss is deeply felt by the performer. She spoke of this in tribute to her, where she wrote: "I loved the day I met you when I was nineteen and I will always do it. I can not believe you're not here anymore. wrap my head around him, we've talked about it so many times, I'm so angry, I'm so sad that I do not know what to do, you were my dearest friend for so long. I'm sorry I could not fix or remove your pain. I really wanted. The kindest and sweetest soul with demons that he never deserved. I hope you are ok now. Rests.

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