Norway first launched into space its own rocket – Video


Норвегия впервые запустила в космос собственную ракету - Видео

The Norwegian space center Andaya was the first to launch a missile, entirely designed and manufactured in this country. Thursday, September 28, reported The Nordic Page.

"In the afternoon of the island of Andoya was launched by the Norwegian launcher Nucleus", – said in the message.

The launch took place at 2:17 pm local time, an hour late due to the wind.

Nucleus is the first missile developed and manufactured in Norway. It should be noted that engineers have been working on the Nucleus project since 2010.

The missile has a hybrid engine operating with mixtures of liquid and solid fuels. This allows you to turn off the engine in flight and even adjust the speed of the rocket.

As you informed him earlier, Russian-European mission ExoMars plans to send a spacecraft to Mars in July 2020and in March 2021, the Russian module must land on the red planet, a rover.

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