According to one study, teenagers do not just smoke cannabis, they also eat and drink cannabis


Smoking is not the only way teens consume cannabis. According to a study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, they also use it or use food products.

Smoking is not the only way teens use cannabis. According to a study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, they also use it or use food products.

The study involved 3,177 grade 10 students in Southern California in 2015 and 1,077 reported having ever used cannabis. It found that 61.7% of those who had used cannabis tried at least two methods – combustible cannabis, edible cannabis, or sprayed cannabis.

8.2% of those who used it reported using all three cannabis products.

"We found that cannabis use was very widespread, but what was interesting and new was that the majority of youth who had used cannabis in a form had not only used one type of cannabis, but that they had used two or more. Said Adam Leventhal, lead author of the study and director of the laboratory of health, emotion and addiction at the University of Southern California.

Of the participants who had ever used cannabis, 31.3% had used cannabis fuel, 21.3% had consumed edible products and 10.5% had used cannabis spray. Those who had used cannabis in the last 30 days followed the same pattern.

"Although the use of the traditional form of smoked cannabis is still the most popular form, we found a significant portion of teens who had never smoked cannabis, but who reported having used edible or vaporized products, "said Leventhal.

Of the 1,077 people who had ever used cannabis, 7.8% had never smoked; 2.9% were exclusive users of sprayed cannabis and 4.2% were exclusive edible users.

"Vaping is the newest and most important trend in cannabis use among teens," said email Richard Meich, senior researcher at Monitoring the Future and a professor at the Institute's Social Research Institute. University of Michigan. He was not involved in this study.

Previous research conducted by Monitoring the Future revealed that in 2017, more than one in four Grade 12 students in the United States reported having sprayed cannabis in the last year.

"Teen cannabis use has been fairly stable in the last two years," said Meich, "so it does not appear that these new alternatives are attracting new cannabis users, at least not yet. Teens can supplement their standard cannabis use with new forms of cannabis use, or substitute new forms (eg, vaping and edible products) for smoking. "

"We hope that our study will educate people who are concerned about adolescent health about the existence of these products, their current use and that it would be helpful to open a line of dialogue between them. teens and teachers and parents on these products. " Leventhal said.

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