Survey reveals high prevalence of CVD in patients with diabetes


A global survey showed that 2 out of 3 people with type 2 diabetes had cardiovascular disease (CVD) or had risk factors for CVD. the Take diabetes at heart The survey was conducted prior to World Heart Day, Sept. 29, by the International Diabetes Federation in partnership with Novo Nordisk.1-2

The survey results also found that one in four of the 12,695 patients had never discussed risk factors for cardiovascular disease or could not recall talking to a doctor. However, only 1 in 4 people said they were at low risk for CVD and 3 out of 4 said their doctor had given them information about CVD.1-2

"The results of this survey confirm our concern about the growing global prevalence of diabetes and its complications, awareness of the risks and consequences of the disease remains poor, and education about the complications of diabetes is lacking," he said. Nam H. Cho, President of IDF. a prepared statement.1-2 "We urge governments to invest in early detection of type 2 diabetes and ensure that health professionals are trained to guide people to make positive lifestyle changes and better manage their diabetes." . This will help people avoid crippling and deadly complications of diabetes. "

Many survey participants had risk factors for CVD, including high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar levels, and high cholesterol levels. More than half of those surveyed said they needed more information about the risk factors associated with the development of cardiovascular disease to better understand the risks in order to prevent them.1-2

"The results of the IDF survey are striking and reinforce the importance of raising awareness about the risk of CVD and its impact on people with type 2 diabetes," said Stephen Gough, global medical director of Novo Nordisk.1-2 "We are committed to continuing to work with IDF while utilizing these global results to inform future efforts to improve health outcomes."

The survey should result in a comprehensive report with regional and national results and resources to help promote cardiovascular disease education and awareness among people with type 2 diabetes and people at risk around the world.1-2

The references

  1. The World Diabetes Federation (IDF) Global Survey Finds 2 out of 3 People with Type 2 Diabetes Have Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and / or Have a Cardiovascular Event [news release]. Bagvaerd, Denmark; September 28, 2018: Novo Nordisk website. Accessed September 28, 2018.
  2. IDF global survey reveals 2 out of 3 people with type 2 diabetes have CVD risk factors [news release]. Brussels, Belgium; September 28, 2018: International Diabetes Foundation website. Accessed September 28, 2018.
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