Last Man Standing Season 7 – Episode 1: Welcome Baxter


The jokes on Last Man Standing Season 7 – Episode 1 did not fail to prove that the series is better than ever.

The very first scene was a jab to ABC canceling the show to success, which is not a surprise because the joke was in all the Fox specials for the series. It was still funny.

One thing that the series did very well, though a bit cheesy, is to recognize that there is a new Mandy. Molly McCormick is tall and skinny with blond hair, unlike Molly Ephraim who was shorter and leaner with dark hair.

Mike and Vanessa wait - Last man standing

Kyle confessed to Mike that he did not know what was different about his wife, it was one of those really idiotic moments of Kyle that make fans love him.

The sheer excitement on his face when he shouted "you're tall and blonde" was so cute. Christoph Sanders and Molly seem to have good chemistry up to now, which is a great benefit for her to be a credible Mandy.

Kyle: I'm trying to record my favorite show, but that's not the case.
Vanessa: Oh, maybe it was canceled. The television sector may be heartless.
Kyle: It has not been canceled. Why would they cancel a popular TV show that everyone loves?
Mike: Maybe they're a bunch of idiots. Just try another channel.
Vanessa: Oh Mike, they do not just show one network and put it on another.
Kyle: Hi, that's it! You were right Mr. B.
Mike: Is it me or is it much better on this network?

The episode has taken a hot topic in the world today, politics in America. However, this has been done in the most relevant way.

The disagreement between Eve and Mandy, which turned into a war without words, takes place in the family throughout the country. In this case, although the fight was done with humor, instead of screaming angry.

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When Vanessa declared that politics was banned in Baxter's house, Mike had his co-workers Chuck and Ed to help him understand what was going on with his split family. Chuck admitted that he was avoiding his own brother since the election, again very close to a lot.

Talk Office - Last Man Standing Season 7 - Episode 1

What was great about Chuck, Ed and Mike's scene was that they were having a serious conversation, but the one-liners were hilarious. These three men joked about the Vietnam War, MacArthur audiences and the civil rights movement with such dark humor and humor. It was one of the best scenes of the episode.

Ryan's frustration vis-à-vis America was also a powerful scenario. His desire to take action by returning to his home country, Canada, has sparked the interest of many people since the election.

Mike: How are you?
Ryan: I'm fine. You've actually made me realize that it's time to become serious and stop being a victim and take some control over my life.
Mike: You just need a little nudge.
Ryan: So I'm moving the family to Canada.
Vanessa: Are you moving to Canada?
Ryan: Listen, I know it's suddenly, so try not to react too much.
Vanessa: You tear my grandmother with my arms!

Ryan's decision was to feel helpless, uncontrollable and frustrated. Even when Mike presents him with a US citizen application and that he says he has to think about it, he's not sure about the current American climate.

On the way to Canada! - Last Man Standing Season 7 Episode 1

Political differences are not just about adults, and Last Man Standing deserves to show how all the fights affected Boyd. He runs away because he does not want to move. But he also left because he feels that everything is broken because of the fights that are going on around him, at home, at school and at the news.

Mike and Boyd clearly understood why the series had chosen to age the character, and it was an excellent choice. The conversation with his grandson, noting Boyd's suffering, sadness, and despair, prompted Mike to be the voice of reason with his family.

Eve: Typical Ryan, loses the election and sneaks up to his poutine, a safe space.
Mandy: In fact, many people are not satisfied with the social policies of this administration.
Eve: Woah since when have you woken up? Until last year, you thought the presidential seal was a seal.
Mandy: Hey, I did not ask to be socially conscious. The news has infiltrated all of my social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Peepers, Flum Flum.

One of the messages that Mike gave us in the episode is his interview with Boyd.

The message is this: If people feel that there is something worth saving and are willing to work together to fix it, everything can be recomposed. Even though he was talking about the motorcycle on which he and Boyd were working, it said a lot if people listened.

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Fans of the series know that there is always a video blog with Mike's Outdoor Man in every episode and the series tonight is no exception. It was important too, ending the episode with food for thought.

The topic was about how people stopped talking about certain topics because of their differences. Instead, people who communicate have decided to disengage and not to love instead of trying to understand.

A proud father - Last Man Standing Season 7 - Episode 1

If people do not understand, they can not learn and it's not a good thing, even though Mike jokingly said if you're not on the safe side.

Even though the show tonight was very political, it was necessary to address this issue given the controversy surrounding Last Man Standing and Tim Allen. However, let's hope it all goes back to occasional one-line political jokes and lighter episodes.

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After all the show is a comedy, fans want to laugh and be entertained, especially on Friday nights. They do not want to see heavy topics being treated with humor.

The last thoughts are that the casting is amazing as usual. Everyone has fallen back into the flawless roles.

The only complaint is that when Tim Allen looked directly at the camera a few times to get his funny joke, it did not work. It was as if he had broken his character and interrupted the unfolding of the show.

Mike: Well, look at it, so nice to see my two beautiful girls spending time together.
Eve: I did not know she was here. I am going to leave.
Mandy: Great I can change the welcome banner to goodbye.
Eve: I can not wait to see how you spell it.
Mike: You know they say kids grow up too fast. I'm still waiting for that.

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Rachelle Lewis is a writer for TV Fanatic. To follow her Twitter.

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