NASA found evidence of the existence of Planet X


NASA знайшли доказ існування Планети

Scientists have more and more evidence that the mysterious "planet X" exists in reality. Confirm use modern telescopes and satellites.

Scientists from the California Institute of Technology (USA) under the direction of astronomer Konstantin Batygina further proved that Nibiru existed. Today, there are already five different explanations of his training. These latest data were obtained with the help of the powerful Subaru telescope, located in the Hawaii Islands Observatory. Although the available evidence was presented by the usual resident of the US state of Pennsylvania, the latter saw in the night sky a strange red glow. Sharing this information online, users came to think that it could only be Nibiru.

Traces of the existence of Nibiru could also be found in the depths of the Kuiper Belt. NASA scientists have discovered that in this region, there is an object that can alter the orbits of asteroids and comets. We can assume that Nibiru is likely to fall to Earth because of this ability. Controlling its movement and its impact on the asteroid is not possible. A huge stone object with a high speed can therefore be directed to the Earth at any time.

We know that many people believe that Planet X will touch the Earth and destroy all life. Yet, NASA experts are convinced that this can not happen, to cause a catastrophe on Earth. Nibiru is not able.

Most experts believe that the hypothesis of the collision between Earth and Planet X is a normal exaggeration. Recall that once a month, the promise of the UFO that our planet will collide with Nibiru, the last disaster of this kind was scheduled for August 16, but as you know, these are just rumors . Ufologists, in his defense, said that avoiding it helped aliens who used their technology to hijack the ball.

However, some scientists believe that Nibiru will return in six months. Others attribute to humanity the period up to 2085.

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