Russia and North Korea use United Nations General Assembly to blow up Americans


Russia and North Korea were among the countries this week. They used speeches made at the United Nations General Assembly to attack US foreign policy and ask President Trump to change tactics to deal with many issues.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, known for his fiery rhetoric, took advantage of his speech at the UN General Assembly to criticize the sanctions imposed on Russia and accused the United States of interfering in business. other countries, including Syria.

In his speech, he also criticized the US decision to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal of 2015, attacking "belligerent revisionism against the modern system of international law". . "

"The attacks were launched against the basic principles of the Middle East settlement, the Joint Global Action Plan on the Iranian Nuclear Program, the commitments in the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO) , the multilateral climate agreement and many others, "he said. I said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov addressed the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly at the United States headquarters on Friday, September 28, 2018. (AP Photo / Seth Wenig)

Sergey Lavrov attacked the United States at the US General Assembly.


Trump criticized the WTO. At a Security Council meeting on Wednesday, he defended his decision to withdraw from the Iran agreement – which he described as "terrible, one-sided". [that] allowed Iran to continue its path towards a [nuclear] bomb and gave the regime a lifeline when they needed it the most. "

On Friday, Lavrov also attacked Trump's decision to bomb a Syrian air base last year in response to a chemical attack by President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Lavrov called the operation "launched under a totally invented pretext" and warned against wars. under "false pretenses".

Trump had warned Syria and Russia against an all-out assault on Idlib province: "Catch the terrorists, but I hope that restraint will continue. The world is watching. "

On Saturday, North Korea claimed that the regime had not seen a "corresponding response" from the United States to North Korean disarmament and that the sanctions were signs of distrust on the part of the United States.

"Without trust in the United States, there will be no confidence in our national security and in such circumstances we will never be able to disarm unilaterally in the first place," said Foreign Minister Ri. Yong Ho.

He also stated that "the perception that sanctions can put us on our knees is a pipe dream for those who do not know us."

The two countries are not the only ones to use the General Assembly to take explicit or veiled measures in the United States.

Both China and Iran have used their opportunities to criticize the United States. Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday accused Trump of having a "Nazi disposition".

But President Trump in his speech gave as good as he did. A year after threatening North Korean leader Kim Jong-a to be ready to destroy North Korea while he maintained his nuclear ambitions, Trump warned that the United States would not allow the Islamic regime to get a bomb.

"We can not allow the world's leading sponsor of terrorism to possess the most dangerous weapons on the planet," he said. "We can not allow a regime that sings" Death to America "and threatens Israel's annihilation to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on earth.

"I can not do it."

Fox Evans and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Adam Shaw is a journalist covering American and European politics for Fox News. He can be reached here.

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