Do not play politics with my Brexit plan


Conservative Party of British Prime Minister Theresa May began meeting for its annual conference on Saturday, with sharp divisions over its plans for Brexit, highlighting doubts about its future.

Great Britain must leave the European Union on March 29, 2019, but the conditions of departure remain unclear. May, under fire from critics in Brussels, home opponents and some lawmakers of his own party, said the negotiations on a divorce deal were deadlocked.

In an interview with the Sunday Times Prior to her party's conference, May was targeting those who despised her by her proposals to "Brexit", accusing them of "playing politics" with Britain's future and harming the interest national.

However, in a demonstration of the challenge she faces, the newspaper published an interview with former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, in which he openly questioned May's commitment to Brexit and has called his projects "disturbed".

"Unlike the Prime Minister, I've been campaigning for Brexit," said Johnson, bookmakers' favorite to succeed in May. (On Friday, he refused to say directly he would dismiss a challenge to management.)

"Unlike the Prime Minister, I fought for that, I believe it, I think it's the right thing to do for our country, and I think what's happening now, alas, is not does not match the promise made to people in 2016, "he said.

May says his "Checkers" proposals are the only viable option, but European leaders said some of them were unacceptable and many conservative lawmakers threatened to reject an agreement based on May's draft.

Uncertainty has made companies fear that there will be no agreement, which could lead to tariffs and delays at the border.

The Japanese automaker Toyota warned Saturday that the departure without agreement would affect its production and that jobs would ultimately be threatened.

"Of course, we want an agreement," BBC radio said state secretary for foreign affairs, Greg Clark, one of the proponents of May's plans to secure free trade goods with the EU.

FILE - British Secretary of State Greg Clark arrives at Downing Street, London, on September 4, 2018.

FILE – British Secretary of State Greg Clark arrives at Downing Street, London, on September 4, 2018.

"We need an agreement.The proof, not only of Toyota and other manufacturers, is that we must absolutely be able to pursue what has been a set of very strong supply chains. successful. "

A summit of European leaders last week resulted in a brutal rejection of the May proposals, which they believe would fail to resolve the arguments concerning the land border of Northern Ireland, with the Republic of Ireland, points to an agreement.

Britain's Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab said the Irish issue was being used by some members of the European Commission "for political ends", while being open to suggestions from the bloc.

"We do not pretend that there are no other proposals to consider," he said at the meeting. Sun newspaper. "But we need credible answers for the proposals we have established or other credible solutions, and we have not seen them yet."

Fears about not agreeing

As legislators and conservative party members began arriving in Birmingham, central England, because of a ripped party conference that will begin Sunday, many said Checkers' plans are dead and should be broken up.

In May, ministers and ministers continue to express confidence in the possibility of reaching a final agreement on Brexit, but they also insisted that no agreement would be preferable to a bad agreement.

However, Toyota has become the last leading company to warn that leaving the world's largest trading block without any commercial agreement could result in additional costs and cripple the production of factories that depend on just delivery to time of tens of thousands of components.

"If we exit the EU in late March, the supply chain will be affected and we will see production stop in our factory," said Marvin Cooke, general manager of the factory. Toyota of Burnaston, which produced 144,000 vehicles last year.

Earlier this week, other British automakers, including BMW, McLaren and Honda, said they have put in place emergency plans, such as model certification in the European Union, the redefinition of production schedules and storage of parts.

"The additional burden of import and export costs would add ongoing costs to our business," said Mr. Cooke of Toyota. "It would reduce our competitiveness, but unfortunately I think it would reduce the number of cars made in the UK, and that would cost jobs."

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