Syria FM: The victory over "terrorism" is near, the United States must leave


UNITED NATIONS – Declaring that the victory over "terrorism" is at hand after more than seven years of civil war, the Syrian Foreign Minister on Saturday called on US, French and Turkish occupation forces to leave the country. country immediately.

Walid al-Moallem told the high-level meeting of the General Assembly that the situation on the ground "is more stable and secure through the fight against terrorism" and that "all conditions are now met for voluntary return refugees ".

Syrian government forces, backed by Russia and Iran, took over most of the territories seized by the rebels during the war that killed more than 400,000 people and drove millions of people from their homes. The government of President Bashar Assad calls all opposition armed groups and rebel groups fighting against Syrian forces "terrorists", not just militants of the Islamic State or al-Qaeda.

Last week, Russia and Turkey agreed to an agreement ending an impending Syrian government offensive to take over the last major rebel stronghold in Idlib province in the north of the country. He calls for the creation of a demilitarized zone around Idlib in order to separate government forces from rebels, including those from the al-Qaida-linked group, formerly known as the Nusra Front.

"We hope that when the agreement is implemented, the Nusra Front and other terrorists will be eradicated, thus eliminating the last vestiges of terrorism in Syria," al-Moallem said.

He offered no tangible evidence to support his claims that victory was near. There was no response to e-mails soliciting comments from the United States, France and Turkey.

Al-Moallem's optimistic speech congratulated the army and the Syrian people for remaining "defiant" during the war, "fully convinced that it was a battle for their existence". He criticized the West's efforts to install a transitional government and get rid of Assad.

"To the disappointment of some, here we are now over seven years in this dirty war against my country, announcing to the world that the situation on the ground has become safer and more stable and that our fight against terrorism is almost finished. Al-Moallem said.

"It is high time that all those who are not in touch with reality wake up, abandon their fantasies and come back to reality," he said. "They must realize that they will not politically realize what they have failed by force."

As Turkey faces the difficult task of trying to separate the forces at Idlib, the US envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, is trying to bring the warring parties together to advance in political talks to end the conflict. war.

De Mistura hopes to convene the first meeting of a committee to reform the country's constitution, a milestone in a road map adopted in 2012 by the world powers to lead to elections and the formation of a new government. He told the Associated Press this week that October would be crucial.

Al-Moallem reported difficulties in the negotiations, saying in his speech that Syria did not want a new constitution. "We emphasize that the mandate of the committee is limited to reviewing the articles of the current constitution," said the Syrian minister.

He added that Syria "will not accept any proposal that would interfere in the internal affairs of Syria or lead to such interference."

The United States, helped by fighters led by Syrian Kurds, helped rout the ISIS extremist group from all of Syria's urban areas, but remain in the country as groups of Islamic militants Are still present. Turkey claims that it is fighting the ISI but is also seeking to curb the spread of the Syrian Kurdish militia that it regards as "terrorist".

Al-Moallem said that "any foreign presence in Syrian territory without the consent of the Syrian government is illegal and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and the American Charter."

"We therefore consider all the forces operating in Syrian territory without explicit request from the Syrian government, including US, French and Turkish forces, occupation forces and will be treated accordingly," he said. "They must withdraw immediately and without any conditions."

Assad's forces fought all armed opposition, both Syrian rebels and militant groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda.

Al-Moallem said the Damascus government also remains committed to regaining control of the Golan Heights, which Israel captured from Syria during the 1967 Middle East War and then annexed, an operation never internationally recognized.


The journalist associated with the press, Katarina Kratovac, contributed to this report from Cairo.

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