RuPaul Trump Talks, Kavanaugh, #MeToo & More at DragCon NYC


As one of the most well-known personalities in the LGBTQ community, it is almost certain that RuPaul is a virulent political voice. Just go to his Twitter page, and you'll find a number of tweets about the nature of politics, his disdain for the administration of President Donald Trump and a host of other political comments.

As part of his numerous appearances at RuPaul's DragCon NYC, Ru decided to create a platform where an open and honest discussion about the current state of the company could take place. Talk to New York Times Columnist Charles M. Blow at the premiere of his new series "RuTalks", discussed Brett Kavanaugh's controversial auditions, the significance of the vote in 2018 and the search for optimism in that climate difficult policy.

While the two men also talked about Blow's education in Louisiana, the future of drag and blow The fire is closing in my bonesthey focused their conversation on the political climate in which we were. Here are five highlights from the first RuPaul RuTalks with Charles M. Blow.

1. Blow emphasized what people do not talk about Brett Kavanaugh.

While many details surrounding the assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh were discussed repeatedly during the news cycle, Mr. Ru wanted to know if there were things that were not discussed and that Mr. Blow felt bound to be underlined. "The whole discussion around sexual abuse … was completely derailed, and not the kind or quality that it should have had," said Blow, referring to how Twitter outlets and users discussed Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford's allegations. "We are still not talking about it the right way."

2. Ru and Blow discussed the release of this "political nightmare".

More than anything, Ru focused the conversation on how to get out of the mess we are in. "What will it take to reverse the situation? "Is this a complete disaster?" Blow was adamant about advocating for the best solution: to vote. "When people win, they become lazy and when they lose, they get angry," he said. But Mr. Blow said that if we want to find a more permanent solution to our political problems, this algorithm must change. "You can not just participate when you're upset," he said. "You have to participate because you believe and want a future where you do not have to go through these cycles of anger and depression every ten years."

3. They do not want the vote to become sexy.

For a moment when Blow got heated up about the recent 2016 Michigan election (and how many people simply did not vote for a president), RuPaul took a moment to shed some light on the Seriously he and celebrities like him charged with convincing young people to vote. "I'm kind of supposed to make the vote sexy for young people," said Ru. "I do not know what else to do! Have I really attached this to Grindr or Tinder or something? Like, go vote, kids!

4. Ru pondered how the trail is and can be informed by the #MeToo movement.

When a member of the audience asked Ru how to slide can support the growing #MeToo movement and become an advocacy ground for modern feminism, Ru first answered with "I do not know the answer! and drag has a rebel spirit. "We say to the structures of society" F — you! "In this regard, I think we are well aligned with the movement and our new national hero [Dr. Ford]. "

5. Blow acknowledged that rebuilding "bridges" can be more difficult than we think.

A fan asked Ru and Blow what our society could do to try to repair the partisan division in our country. Although Mr. Blow acknowledged that differences can be overcome over time, it is also important to understand that there are some things we do not need to meet. "We can disagree on political issues or political issues, as long as your disagreement with me does not undermine my right and my ability to live a happy, open and free life," he said. declared. "We have imposed an undue burden on the oppressed of this world to try to explain people. This is not my job.

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