Symptoms of hypertension: cutting out this food can naturally lower the pb


High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The common health problem is one in four Britons – although many of these cases can be avoided.

There are many ways to relieve symptoms, including making healthy changes to your lifestyle.

Research has shown that reducing your sugar intake is a way to naturally reduce BP.

Blood Pressure UK explains why eating too much sugar can cause high blood pressure.

The charity's website warns, "Excessive consumption of sugar can lead to weight gain over time, putting you at high risk of high blood pressure.

"Sweet foods are high in calories, but often contain few other nutrients and can result in a quick expenditure of energy, followed by a collapse afterwards.

"This can result in a feeling of laziness and low energy, as well as a desire to eat sweeter foods, so that you eat too much and gain weight.

"There is strong evidence that sugars, which are digested and absorbed quickly by the body, can result in elevated blood sugar and insulin levels that, in the long run, can be harmful to the body. health because of diabetes and heart disease. "

So what are the easiest ways to reduce sugar?

blood pressure


CONSULT YOUR HEALTH: Here's how to reduce your sugar intake helps reduce
(Pic: GETTY)

Five simple ways to reduce your sugar intake:

1. Avoid processed foods

Cutting ready-to-eat foods is an easy way to prevent extra calories from becoming part of your diet.

All processed foods have added sugars, which is why it is important to start reading the back on the package.

Some meals may have four or five types of added sugars.

An easy exchange is the pasta sauce in pots. They are often high in sugar and easy to prepare from scratch.

The average pasta pot can hold more than 13 g of sugar, which is equivalent to three teaspoons.


SWEET SUCCESS: Following these five rules can help you banish your cravings for sugar.
(Pic: GETTY)

2. Sweet drinks

Soft drinks are empty, useless and worthless calories – and they are often laden with sugar.

A 500 ml bottle of cola contains 17 cubes of sugar.

Swap for a little lemon or lime, or if you still need something sparkling, sparkling water.

If you take sugar in your tea or coffee, start reducing it gradually until you can cut it completely.

3. Switch to whole grains

You do not need to starve yourself to reduce your sugar intake, it can be as simple as doing healthy food exchanges.

Avoid products that cause a sudden rise in your blood sugar level because they will make you want to eat more in less time.

Complex carbohydrates tend to be the main culprits, including white bread, white pasta, white rice and couscous.

Selecting whole grain varieties, such as brown bread, is a simple and effective way to control blood sugar levels and improve energy levels.

4. Choose wisely when you eat at the restaurant

The British are fond of takeaways or outings for a meal.

This is still possible, but to eliminate sugar, it is important to make wise choices.

Stay away from high-sugar foods such as sweet and sour dishes, sweet chilli dishes and some curry sauces.

Condiments and salad dressings also contain a lot of sugar.

5. Fill up on fiber

Refueling with vegetable fiber is another great way to reduce appetite and reduce sugar cravings.

Many try to avoid eating fruits when they avoid sugary foods, but this is not always advisable.

Natural sugars have anti-disease qualities, even contributing to cancer prevention.

Blood Pressure UK adds, "You should not reduce your fruits because they are an important part of a healthy and balanced diet."

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