A new announcement by Duncan Hunter claims his opponent is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood – Mother Jones


Representative Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) Arrives at the House Republican Conference meeting on September 26th. Bill Clark / CQ Roll Call / Newscom / ZUMA

Wednesday, a spokesman for California Rep. Duncan Hunter told the Los Angeles Times Hunter had never claimed that his opponent, the Palestinian American Ammar Campa-Najjar, was a Muslim (Campa-Najjar was a Christian). But the same day, Hunter published an advertisement accusing Campa-Najjar of receiving support from the Muslim Brotherhood campaign, trying to infiltrate the government and hiding the "links to terrorism" of a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. family.

"[Hunter] never claimed that his opponent is a Muslim, "said spokesman Mike Harrison Los Angeles Times. "It's up to his opponent to answer". Harrison was trying to clarify what the candidate had said about his opponent's religion during a speech Monday in front of a group of Republican women in San Diego, in which Hunter was referring to several of the same allegations. .

The 30-second advertisement indicates that Campa-Najjar is trying to "infiltrate the Congress," noting his grandfather's involvement in the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972 (the organization that committed the attack was secular). Campa-Najjar denounced the actions of his grandfather, who died several years before the birth of Campa-Najjar.

"He used three different names to hide his links with terrorism," says the narrator, referring to Campa-Najjar who allegedly changed his birth name from Ammar Yasser Najjar in June. The ad also features footage from a segment of One America News Network, a conservative cable-based news channel based in San Diego, where Hunter District is located. In the segment, an expert says that Campa-Najjar is "supported by [the Council on American-Islamic Relations] and the Muslim Brotherhood. It's a well orchestrated plan.

In response to Hunter's comments in his Monday speech, Campa-Najjar campaign spokesman Nick Singer told Los Angeles Times"These are the desperate delusions of a congressman who believes that he is above the law and has lost his hold on reality." Campa-Najjar tweeted about the announcement Friday – and accused Hunter of violating federal guidelines on political ads. The announcement ends with a photo of Hunter, a former sailor, in military uniform. the Washington PostDave Weigel it is noted on Twitter, the clip did not include the necessary waiver for advertisements featuring candidates in military uniform.

Hunter, the congressman who is accused of using $ 250,000 in campaign funds for his personal expenses, will run for a sixth term in California's 50th district. Despite the allegations, which Hunter denies, he should still cling to the headquarters of the very Republican San Diego District.

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