Holding the bottle & # 39; SNL & # 39; of Kanye West was memorized in Kim Kardashian's infamous Champagne Photo


You can not carry a bottle of water and do not have a sense of humor about it, and Kanye West is treating her Saturday Night Live sartorial choice for all that it is worth sharing a photo that has the look inserted in one of the most famous photos of his wife.

Kim Kardashian broke the internet when she appeared fully nude in a 2015 spread for PAPER. In the cover of the magazine, Kardashian wore a black evening dress with a flute of champagne balanced on her buttocks, the contents of the bottle being thrown up and into the glass.

Between the broadcast of SNL Saturday night (September 29th) and Sunday morning (September 30th), West was able to get photoshop – or to find a picture of himself photo-shopped – in his bottle of Perrier-esque in the now iconic cliché, so that Kardashian trembles him instead of that bottle of champagne.

Check out the picture below.

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