The man plays the lottery with lucky numbers, earns $ 1 million


A man from Pennsylvania learned that lucky numbers did not expire when he was playing lottery using a fortune cookie numbers and that he was earning a million dollars, have Friday announced the lottery officials.

Ronnie Martin, of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, stopped at a New Jersey gas station to go to work in the state and bought three lottery tickets in July, according to the New Jersey Lottery. He played with the numbers of an old fortune cookie because he loved them and wanted to follow them, said the lottery officials.

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When Martin scanned the tickets the next day to see if he had won, one posted a message saying "see the employee".

The clerk, Gary, would have recognized Ronnie, a regular at the gas station, and told him he must be the winner of a million dollar prize.

But Martin thought Gary was making fun of him, only believing him when Gary finally scanned the bill and showed him the screen.

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Martin and his wife Shirley will use the winnings to pay their homes and bills, and save the rest, officials said.

The Garden State is a treasure trove of stories of improbable lottery winners. In January of this year, a New Jersey woman earned $ 5 million from a scratch ticket bought by accident. Another New Jersey woman earned a quarter of a million dollars by playing slot machines on her smartphone during a conference call in August.

Martin's winning ticket was purchased – appropriately – in the Township of Hope, N.J.

Filipa Ioannou is a personal editor of SFGATE. Send him an e-mail at the address [email protected] and follow her on Twitter

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