Zorba 'Medicane': Three missing people in Greece, a cyclone causing sudden floods and heavy rains


Three people reportedly went missing in Greece after a rare and powerful storm in the Mediterranean, which reportedly caused high winds and flash floods in several parts of the country.

Known as the disease – a combination of the words Mediterranean and Hurricane -, the Zorba storm mainly affected parts of the island of Euboea, east of mainland Greece, where a young man and a middle-aged couple were reported missing by public television.

The civil protection services said they had launched a search and rescue operation near the town of Mantoudi.

The southern Peloponnese peninsula was also affected and forecasters predicted that it would move north and north-east of Greece.

During the storm, ships were held at major ports in Greece and traffic was disrupted in many other parts of the country, in rain and rain.

Gale force winds also resulted in power cuts and falling trees throughout the country.

Firefighters have received hundreds of calls for help in evacuating people stranded in cars and in flooded homes and removing fallen trees and other debris.

Images from the television showed flooded streets turned into rivers in the wider region of Corinth in the Peloponnese, as well as massive waves breaking on the shores of coastal towns in the region.

"The Peloponnese is holding firm despite the impact and side effects of this extreme weather phenomenon," said the region's governor, Petros Tatoulis, adding that the state's homes, fields and infrastructure had been damaged.

Temperatures plunged unexpectedly up to 10 ° C this week, while wind speeds reached 56 mph in several regions and are expected to intensify.

Sur l'île de Lesbos, les autorités ont demandé aux autobus d'être prêts à transporter les réfugiés du camp surpeuplé de Moria, en particulier ceux qui vivent dans des tentes, et des efforts ont été déployés à la dernière minute pour trouver le moyen de loger les réfugiés.

Les services de protection civile ont averti que le nord et le centre de la Grèce pourraient également être affectés dimanche et ont appelé les citoyens à prendre des mesures de protection personnelle.

Les autorités craignaient également que la tempête tropicale n'entraîne des glissements de terrain et des inondations dans la région élargie d'Athènes, récemment touchée par des incendies meurtriers et des crues éclair.

En août, des incendies dans la région de Mati ont tué au moins 99 personnes. L'année dernière, 24 personnes ont été tuées et de nombreux sans-abri après le passage d'un torrent gonflé par la pluie dans deux villes côtières situées à l'ouest de la capitale.

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