Maxine Waters refutes "despicable" claims by Doxing, accused of "not having the temper" for the post – RT US News


Representative Maxine Waters called charges that her office leaked confidential information from Republican senators "hateful lies," which would have prompted anger to be synonymous with guilt, apparently hinting at the Democrats' reaction to the testimony from Kavanaugh.

Passions run in Washington following the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Donald Trump's Supreme Court candidate, Brett Kavanaugh, whom she accused of sexual assault more than 30 years ago. As the two men delivered speeches and emotional responses to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, a person disclosed personal data about Senators Lindsey O. Graham, Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch, including their phone numbers and phone numbers. their personal addresses.

Several outlets on the right said the leak came from the Waters office. The Democratic congressman said in a strong statement that she was "Completely disgusted by the spread of completely false, absurd and dangerous lies and conspiracy theories that are pedaled by experts, outlets and websites of the far right."

She also said that the Capitol police and internal computer scientists had determined that her staff had nothing to do with corruption.

Waters is known to be a passionate critic of Trump, who said her greatest wish was for the president to step down as she celebrated her 80th birthday in August. The California District 43 representative was also filmed encouraging her supporters to mobilize members of the current administration if they meet in public places. "You go out and you create a crowd that you push back and you tell them that they're no longer welcome, anywhere else. " she says.

READ MORE: Maxine Waters, Leader of Trumps' Democratic Party, Wishes Birthday

However, online commentators claimed that the denial merely confirmed the congressional woman's guilt, while her mood made her unfit for a position in the House of Representatives. Some Democrats said that Kavanaugh's anger at the hearing made him unfit to perform his duties.

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