California Governor Bans Smoking in Parks and Beaches for Third Consecutive Year


California Governor Jerry Brown (D) Saturday vetoed a proposed ban on smoking in state parks and beaches for the third year in a row.

Three bills passed by state legislators have reportedly imposed $ 25 fines for smoking tobacco, marijuana and electronic cigarettes in parks and beaches, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The measures invoked forest fire and public health concerns to ban smoking in these outdoor spaces.

"The third time is not always a charm," Brown wrote in his veto message, according to the LA Times.

"My opinion on this subject has not changed," he continued. "We have a lot of rules telling us what we can not do and they are open spaces."

Brown vetoed two other proposed bans over the past three years, claiming in 2016 that the ban was "too broad" and "punitive". Bee Sacramento.

Legislators would have hoped that the $ 25 penalty proposal, along with the more specific guidelines outlined in the 2018 invoices, would have been a sufficient compromise to merit Brown's signature.

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