The governor of the CA signs a bill on the neutrality of the internet, the Ministry of Justice sues


Pai said he was "delighted" to see the federal government bring a lawsuit and that "the internet is free and open today and that it will continue to benefit from the light protections of the US $. FCC Internet Freedom Restoration Order ". US Attorney General Jeff Sessions affirmed his belief in the federal government's power: "The California legislature has once again enacted an extreme and illegal state law aimed at thwarting federal policy. but we have a duty to defend the prerogatives of the federal government and to protect our constitutional order. "

According to LA TimesThe state of California, Xavier Bacerra, said the state was ready to defend its new law and would need additional funds and staff to implement the regulation.

Weiner said in a statement that "Today marks a real victory for the Internet and for an open society". Barbara van Schewick, professor at Stanford, said: "Like the 2015 order, the SB 822 ensures that Californians, not the companies they pay to connect, control the sites, applications and services that 39 they use., And charge fees to websites for access to ISP subscribers or for expressways, which will protect economic growth, the innovation economy and the economy. California's democratic commitment. "

Internet service providers such as Comcast and Verizon (the owner of Engadget's parent company) also opposed the initiative. The US Telecom industrial group, which includes AT & T and Verizon members, issued a statement from President and Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Spalter, who said: "We all support strong and enforceable protection of Net Neutrality. for every American This bill is neither the way to do it nor to help advance the promise and potential of California's DNA of innovation. Instead of 50 states intervening with their own solutions Internet open conflict, we need the Congress strengthens its national framework.European ecosystem and solve this problem once and for all.


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