Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin wins against his main competitor


Ars Technica Aerojet has exerted its influence on lobbying, with two politicians having told the US Air Force that it should not provide more funds to the ULA before it surrenders the "rights" of the ULA. "Approval" to engine contractors. The methane engine at Blue Origin was "unproven", they said. However, the persistence of Bezos has borne fruit. His company continued to grow, while Aerojet reduced its operations and even stopped funding its own solution, probably anticipating the sale of Blue Origin.

This does not guarantee that Blue Origin will be a regular supplier of rockets. However, this reflects the much more fierce competition in the rocket sector in recent years. Where Aerojet could already assume that he would win important left and right rocket deals, he now has to fight for some of them. That does not include the business that he could lose when NASA and others use SpaceX rockets. This additional rivalry could lower the cost of spaceflight as companies strive to outbid rocket contracts.

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