Breast Cancer survivors from the Coast of the Treasure share their lessons learned to help others on the road to recovery. LYNN TIFFANY / TCPALM

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, TCPalm has asked breast cancer survivors in Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties to share their "pink inspiration".

Here are their messages of hope for patients and their families who are beginning the journey to overcome this disease.

Debbie Clement, Vero Beach, diagnosed in 2007 and 2010

"We can do difficult things," said Clement. Being diagnosed with breast cancer taught him twice "a lot about my faith, my love and my empathy. I've met incredible and incredible women by sharing our trip. "

Gloria Howard, Port Saint Lucia, diagnosed in 2016

By overcoming cancer, Howard said, she found her true sense of life. "Never take for granted the gift of God's life," she said. "Stay positive, family and friends will help you through the tough and good times."

Oveta Trubow, Stuart, diagnosed in 2012

Trubow offers a gift in particular, discovered during his journey against cancer. "My greatest blessing was meeting my friend, Delores Wray Carter, who spent a year after our meeting," she said. "I can not wait to see her again in paradise."

Mary Beth McDonald, Vero Beach, diagnosed in 1995

"I was a young mother with two children, a full-time job, a terrific husband and everything I could not wait to have my breast cancer during my very first mammogram," she said. said McDonald.

The cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. Her husband, a doctor, took her to the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas at Houston for radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

"Despite poor chances of survival, I think I lived because it was never acceptable to me," she said. "I needed to see my grandchildren growing up, I wanted to be with my husband and I had a lot to do, I believe that the will to live, a lot of prayers and a positive attitude have kept me going. alive and healthy for all these years. "

Patti Greaves, Hobe Sound, diagnosed in 2004

Greaves had a complete mastectomy and implants at the time of diagnosis. In 2010, she totaled her Corvette in an accident at Hobe Sound.

When she underwent reconstructive surgery last August, she discovered that "the seat belt crashed my implants and I did not know they had broken for eight years," she said. "I was a lucky puppy, it's the least I can say."

His words of wisdom: "You are not alone, remember those who stayed by your side and do not give up hope, we have not been here for a long time, we are here for a good time "

Kathy Finn, Port St. Lucie, diagnosed in 2008

"For new club members that you have not chosen to join," said Finn, "the other survivors know that each trip is different, but they have walked a kilometer close to your shoes and are happy to offer their support!"

Mary Bischof, Stuart, diagnosed in 2011

"Breast cancer has taught me that I was much stronger than I thought I was," Bischof said. "I have learned to simplify my life and to disconnect from time to time."

Maria Errante-Parrino, Port St. Lucia, diagnosed in 1989 and 1993

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer during a routine mammogram," said Errate-Parrino. "I had a lumpectomy but four years later, I had a recurrence on the same side.Another mammogram found it.It was devastating."

This second diagnosis helped the 68-year-old to develop his creed: "Be a warrior, not a worrier!"

"Never give up, she said" Get mammos and get treatment. I am a 29-year-old breast cancer survivor and an eight-year-old lung cancer survivor. I have never smoked. I am truly blessed! "

Sharon Jewett, Jensen Beach, diagnosed in 2008

"My strength comes from my faith in God," said Jewett. "My encouragement to others is to rely on their faith, support and love for those around them."

Georjean Shrager, Port St. Lucie, diagnosed in 2006

When the doctors told Shrager that she had stage 4 breast cancer, "they told me I was going to die," she said. "I have survived keeping a positive attitude, so many people have organized prayer circles for me."

Teresa Wetzel, Fort Pierce, diagnosed in 2013

Wetzel's advice: "Stay positive! Keep positive people around you, I thank Friends in Pink for helping me in this time of need!"

Marjori Milutis, Port St. Lucie, diagnosed in 2007

"Always have hope," said Marjori Milutis. "Cancer does not define me, I am an 11-year-old survivor, and my faith, my family, my love, my support and my strength define me."

Dianne Schulz, Fort Pierce, diagnosed in 2012

"I have learned to live and to love the present moment, to be attentive to things and experiences now," said Schulz.

Gloria Burnam, Vero Beach, diagnosed in 1993 and 1999

Early detection by mammography at 47 and 53 years was the key to the success of mastectomies without involvement of the lymph nodes in Burnam, now 78 years old.

When she was 47, Burnam appeared with her surgeon on the mammography controversy controversy before the age of 50. "It worked for me," she said.

She wrote this limerick for the Lee County Breast Screening Program in 1993:

"Remember your mammogram

Our bodies are not perfect. There is no guarantee.

Our health and the future we can not predict.

Do your breast self-exam.

Have a mammogram, ma'am!

Thanks to early detection, I am now without cancer. "

Ida Paul, Fort Pierce, diagnosed in 2017

A week before his diagnosis, Paul said, "The Lord has awakened me by saying," I am your miracle. M: I am merciful. I: I intercede for you. R: I'm right. A: I am always available C: I am Christ alone L: I love you E: I am eternal and eternal. "

Through his strong faith, as well as the treatment and support of his medical team of Dr. Yeckes-Rodin, Dr. Crooks, and Dr. Singh, Paul said, "I am healed, I am whole, I am full.

Corrine Solomon, Fort Pierce, diagnosed in 2008 and 2016

The biggest lesson of Solomon learned: "When you see something, say something, early detection is the key to saving your life." Among the gifts she receives is a loving husband, an incredible support network, and the mercy and grace of God.

Doris Plym, Vero Beach, diagnosed in 2016

Plym had a bilateral mastectomy just after Christmas 2016. "Being open with my diagnosis has prompted many of my friends to share their own experiences with breast cancer," she said. "So many survivors!"

Carole Hunt, Stuart, diagnosed in 2013

"I did not have to worry, my loving family worried about me," Hunt said. "Sometimes I would forget to have cancer, until one of them reminds me."

Pat Schmader, Sewall's Point, diagnosed in 2004

"I've been given five years to live," said Pat Schmader. "I am now celebrating my 14th year, what I have learned is to be optimistic and to make every day count."

Marcia Kipp, Vero Beach, diagnosed in 2012

"Although the road seems dark, do not give up," said Kipp. "Cancer has chosen me, and I can beat it! I can see my grandchildren growing up!"

Casi Brush, Stuart, diagnosed in 2016

"God is good even in the wild times of our lives," said Brush. "And I have been blessed with many warrior sisters throughout my journey and beyond!"

Dennis Sampson, Vero Beach, diagnosed in 2006

Men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. "I felt lonely and fearful, but I quickly turned to my faith to reassure myself," said Sampson, a retired firefighter. "I know that my vocation is to let men know that they must control themselves!"

Lyshia Horton, Port St. Lucia, diagnosed in 2016

Breast cancer attacks at any age. Horton was 48 years old. "The most difficult part is the damage to your body that changes your whole life," she said. Having a beloved spouse to help each day is a very appreciated gift.

Petronella Spader, Stuart, diagnosed in 1972

Yes, Spader, now 91, is a 46-year-old survivor. "I think you have to have a positive attitude and stay as strong as possible," she said. "Rely on the support team of your family and friends."

Joan Bauman, Palm City, diagnosed in 2018

"Thanks to my surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, good friends have become my family," said Bauman. "The sisters forever were discovered through our common bond, it was as if the community of the Treasury Coast surrounded me with support and love."

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