If Trump's romance with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was a romantic comedy


OOn Saturday, President Trump told a crowd of sympathizers in West Virginia that "the beautiful letters" written by North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un had made him "fall in love." somewhere else. Trump stays alone in his nascent romance with Kim and he should stay that way.

Trump has a fairly old history with North Korea and a story that, if it were not for the big stakes of nuclear weapons, could look like a rom-com.

It started with an unlikely couple. Last year, Trump criticized Kim's regime by calling him "Rocket Man" on Twitter and seemingly threatening the country in a worrying way in the face of confrontation. Then, the first starred meeting. The two leaders met for a summit in Singapore. They signed a piece of paper that was meaningless but beautiful in appearance and Trump declared victory, stating that he had ended the threat posed by North Korea.

As in any relationship, it was not always perfect. When North Korea did not follow suit as quickly as Trump had planned and talks between Pyongyang and Washington failed, he backed down on his earlier statements. Remaining true, however, he continued to talk about his relationship with Kim on Twitter.

More recently, on Wednesday, at a large-scale press conference, Trump said that there was no time limit for denuclearization yet, but that his administration was working towards that end.

The romance, of course, continues and Saturday, the president explained: "I was really hard and so did he. And we went and came. And then we fell in love. Not really. He wrote me beautiful letters. These were beautiful letters. And then we fell in love. "

Everyone guesses how this relationship ends, but if it was a movie, the ad seems pretty heavy.

Trump's ardent supporters, like Sean Hannity, are not quick to step in with their support or even comment on the president's declared lover.

The secret services are not convinced either that these letters of love do no harm. Indeed, when Trump was delivered to the White House at the White House by a North Korean official, Kim Yong Chol, he carefully checked if any dangerous substances were present.

The story of the end of the story, however, is most often one-sided. For a man who likes to talk about reciprocal trade relations, Trump is terribly indulgent in North Korean denuclearization.

At the UN General Assembly in New York on Saturday, North Korea's Foreign Minister, Ri Yong-ho, said that they still lacked trust in the United States and that, until that changes, the country retains its nuclear weapons.

He explained: "Without trust in the United States, there will be no confidence in our national security and, in such circumstances, we can never disarm unilaterally beforehand."

That's it for mutual love and trust.

Trump, like other American presidents before him, seems to have fallen under the spell of North Korea's seductive openings. His friends know how the story ends and recedes, but the president, still in love with these letters, will hold at least a little longer.

While everyone hopes, as always, that it will eventually succeed, it seems clear that the only question left is how far the final break will be. When nuclear weapons are thrown into the mixture of rejected lovers, this result may not be very beautiful.

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