For Canada, a sigh of relief more than a celebration in the new nafta agreement


TORONTO – More than a celebration, it ended with a huge sigh of relief.

Canadians woke up Monday to the announcement of a new trade deal with the United States, their largest trading partner and, more importantly, a stay at the threat of crippling auto rates that President Trump had held for months.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada leaves with some elements deemed sacred to the economic security of his country: a dispute resolution system for companies that feel unjustly taxed and a long-term expiry date to the agreement .

In exchange, Canada promised to open its long-protected dairy market – a target of Trump's attacks on Twitter and rallies for months – to US competition, a deal that immediately angered the Quebec politicians. 11,200 dairy farms in the country.

At a press conference in Ottawa on Monday, Trudeau called the deal a "good deal," although he acknowledged the compromises.

Dairy concessions have infuriated Quebec politicians, the country's second-largest province and the center of the dairy industry. The four party leaders competing for Monday's provincial election rejected the Canadian government's promise to compensate farmers.

"It is an expression of the systematic injustice that Quebec is a victim of in Canada," Jean-François Lisée, leader of the Quebec separatist party, told the press.

During much of the negotiations, Trump had threatened to impose 25% tariffs on Canadian automobiles and auto parts in the United States, which would have crippled the Ontario economy, according to forecasts. It has also become a significant issue in Mr. Trudeau's re-election campaign next year.

The new agreement – renaming the North American Free Trade Agreement to the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement – counteracts this threat by effectively exempting Canadian exports to the United States. By requiring that 40% of auto parts come from so-called "high-wage" factories, it could even give a boost to Canadian syndicated auto makers.

"I would say that we are in better shape today than in the last 24 years," said Jerry Dias, president of Canada's largest private sector union, Unifor, on a Radio Company radio show. -Canada in the morning. "So I'm absolutely delighted with the situation we found ourselves in."

He added, "Listen, we resisted until the end. We had what we needed. We did not bend in the areas that the United States wanted us to do, so we are in pretty good shape today. "

Compared with the triumphant President Trump, the deal and the jobs would be generated in the United States and North America, "Mr. Trudeau said with courtesy and discretion at his press conference.

For him, the agreement was more about consolidating the Canadian economy than developing it. "We have preserved the most important parts of Nafta," said Trudeau.

The deal was good for the economy, good for the workers, he said, and made North America "a much more stable place than it was yesterday."

The conclusion of this agreement made it possible to complete an exhausting and turbulent process for the Prime Minister who, at the approach of the elections, sometimes seemed vulnerable and had stumbled under a shower of insults from Mr Trump.

Many thought that Mr. Trudeau was in an impossible situation – trying to get a market that he could sell for his country as well, and maintaining his dignity in front of the unpredictable Mr. Trump.

The test of Mr. Trudeau, who will face elections next year, will be to know if he can persuade voters that Nafta 2.0 is a win-win for all, as he has long assured them that She would be.

"Justin Trudeau needs to take things in hand fairly quickly," said Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute, a Vancouver-based nonprofit polling organization. "Can he sell the case?"

Almost from the beginning of his presidential candidacy, Mr. Trump criticized the Nafta, and particularly the provisions relating to Canada – a drum beat that has not weakened.

Last week, Mr. Trump said that he did not like the Canadian representative – probably referring to Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland – and that he deliberately denied Mr. Trudeau by refusing to meet with him. United Nations. (Mr. Trudeau's office stated that no meeting request had been made.)

Nafta negotiations began more than a year ago, with Mr. Trudeau saying that he wanted an agreement that would be good for Canadian workers, but will also include provisions on climate change and new chapters on gender and indigenous rights.

Mr. Trudeau has deployed an army of charmers on the other side of the border to form alliances with the people around Mr. Trump.

Known as the donut strategy, the campaign seemed to work. But in May, two days after an agreement was reached on Nafta, the Trump administration announced it would proceed with high tariffs on steel and aluminum.

The Canadian government put $ 12.6 billion in tariffs against US imports.

Since then, relations between the two countries – and the two leaders – have deteriorated further.

In June, at the end of a seven-day group meeting in Charlevoix, Quebec, Mr. Trudeau said at a news conference that Canada would not be bullied.

"As Canadians, he said, we are polite, we are reasonable, but we will not be threatened."

Trump was angry with Air Force One on his way to his summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. He wrote on Twitter that Mr. Trudeau was "very dishonest and weak" and accused him of false statements.

Follow Catherine Porter on Twitter: @porterthereport

Dan Bilefsky contributed to Montreal's reporting.

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