Judge Brett Kavanaugh (Photo: photo of the pool by Melina Mara)

Quote Today: Charles "Chad" Luddington, a Yale Graduate Commenting on Brett Kavanaugh's Behavior when he drank in college

It's Monday, friends of the OP, and after the news barrage last week, it feels like being in a stalemate while waiting for the results of a some FBI investigation. But we will get there.

In the meantime, share your impressions, ask your friends to subscribe, join our new Facebook group (!) And stay up to date with the latest news.

FBI Review

Ana Maria Archila, a survivor of a sexual assault, confronts Republican Senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake, in an elevator after Flake announced that he would vote to confirm the Supreme Court's candidate , Brett Kavanaugh, at the Washington Senate building in Washington. (Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EPA-EFE)

Have you been checked on Friday? We would not be angry if you were.

But to summarize, it's all up to Senator Jeff Flake.

The Arizona Republican had announced earlier in the day his intention to vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, less than a day after Kavanaugh and one of his accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, have testified emotionally before the legislators. But a confrontation in an elevator and the speeches of his colleagues weigh him. This lead to a blow on the shoulder, a bipartisan discussion and a compromise: he would vote to advance Kavanaugh's appointment to the Senate – but only if the FBI had a week to investigate allegations of misconduct against the judge of the court. Flake later stated in an interview that if Kavanaugh had lied during his testimony, his appointment would be over.

And here we are. President Donald Trump has ordered the opening of the investigation and since then the FBI has contacted one of the women – Deborah Ramirez – who has accused Kavanaugh of misconduct. More to come, we are sure of it.

In other news from Kavanaugh:

Tweet of the day

"Remember that Trump has a sense of humor." – Politico Marc Caputo, after President Donald Trump noted that he had never drank beer and then joked: "This is one of my only good traits … Can you imagine if I had, what a waste I would be?

USMCA does not really roll the tongue

Trump avoids the Kavanaugh question (Photo: White House)

Say it three times fast, guys: The United States-Mexico-Canada agreement is here.

The trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada was announced Sunday night and will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. What does this mean for the United States? Better access to the Canadian dairy market.

The new agreement is expected to be signed by all three countries by the end of November.

President Donald Trump, who had long described NAFTA as terrible, praised the new deal on Monday.

"This agreement will govern a trade of nearly $ 1.2 trillion, making it the largest trade deal in the history of the United States," said Trump.

"It puts us in a position where we have never been before," he said. "It's a good deal for all of us."

Elsewhere in politics

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